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"Guess who's gonna be holding a presentation today?" A girl asked excitedly.

"Hopefully someone that actually does his job right..." The boy she was talking to answered cautiously. 

"Even more than just doing his job right!" She exclaimed, jumping happily in front of him.

The excited girl's name was Mia Amyot. Her purple hair was so long that it reached her waist and it was shaved on the left side of her head. Her dark red eyes were big and peering. She looked about twenty years old, and she was obviously curvaceous with a small waist. Her whole clothing screamed sex appeal, showing off her skin as much as possible. From the black crop top, to her leather short skirt. She gave off a very alternative vibe, with her thigh high boots, eyebrow piercing and chokers, it was clear she wanted to challenge society. 

"Wait, you don't mean...?" He started, his smile growing wider.

The boy  in question was called Alex Carvallo. He was taller than her, but not anything worth talking about home. His hair was dark blue, looking like he was growing it out a bit or like he didn't feel like getting a haircut. His eyes were a light shade of yellow and looked oddly energetic. He looked nineteen at most, but he gave of an air of youth. The most interesting thing about him was how he always wore the same old, ragged hoodie that looked like it was just barely doing it's job. 

"The one and only, Adrien Marais!" Mia exclaimed, doing her jazz hands moves.

"Oh, man, why the hell did he go to our shit school? Did they pay him?" Alex asked, getting genuinely surprised the man would waste his time here while he could be doing something more productive.

"I don't care, frankly you shouldn't either. You should get a boner that he's even coming here." Mia teased him, getting a grin which showed off her fangs. 

She was right. He spent the entire school day awaiting last class, just to meet the most famous newbie caretaker, as he'd like to call them. He wanted to be just like the people in the council. In Hell, there existed a great council. It consisted of the judges and the care takers. He never wanted to be one of the judges though. Judging people by their past life seemed too harsh for him. And he didn't know what it took to become so monotone and gray like the people they had for judges. They gave him the creeps ever since he first saw them. Their limited movements, oddly robotic voices and all of them looking the same was enough of a red flag. 

But something about being a caretaker made him feel like it belonged on Earth. Unlike these inhumane judges, the caretakers had a humane job. It felt like it was from home, just like a nurse or doctor or a nanny. He missed Earth and this was the closest he got to it. Just as how much he was scared on the first day he woke up in Hell, he wanted to help everyone else deal with it better than he did. 

Finally, the last class did come. He couldn't wait, his leg was jiggling below the desk. Mia wasn't annoyed by it, for she did it regularly even without being nervous or excited. She'd call it her extra energy. She just had to do something. 

"I wonder if he'll let us ask questions." Alex said in wonder, daydreaming about being recognized by the most famous caretaker in Hell.

"Every presentation has that awkward section. You know, where they ask if there are any questions and then there's a heart breaking awkward silence." Mia joked around, obviously not excited at all. 

"Well, this won't be like that! I'll ask questions, maybe he'll see how interested I am." He stated happily.

"Keep dreaming. I wonder if he'll answer anything about breaking out..." She rolled her eyes, knowing that all of the council didn't ever answer anything about that.

"Stop thinking about that so much. It doesn't sound like a good idea." Alex said, nervous about the idea she kept talking about non stop. 

"Ah, you're so lame. I'm pretty sure I'd be better off on Earth than in this shithole." She laid her head on her hand, not very satisfied with where she was in life currently. 

He sighed. She was so annoying with wanting to break out. A simple no wasn't enough for her. Everyone kept telling her it just shouldn't be done. When she asked why, nobody would answer. That got her pissed off and then she wanted answers. She wouldn't stop talking about it ever since. 

"I'm not the one who forced you into this school." He grumbled, not getting how she couldn't find anything interesting for long.

"It was interesting the first few days. I thought it would be different than Earth, but it's just the same. Caretaking ain't my thing. But I guess it's still better than doing nothing with myself..." Mia concluded, having this mini rant with herself. 

He wanted to argue how she wasn't interested in anything and how she won't do anything with herself like that, but all of the bad thoughts were lost when his idol walked in. He immediately went quiet, making Mia roll her eyes. 

What was surprising was that he didn't come alone. There was a girl with him. Her straight long brown hair was mixed with green tints. He understood now. He was bringing a fresh demon with him as part of the presentation. This even piqued Mia's interest, which was very hard to do. 

What was this man planning with this? He never saw a fresh demon so up close. They usually keep them inside until they explode, that's when they're ready for usual living and houses. He noticed shackles on her hands. Alex looked at Mia, who looked surprised by the presentation so far, even though it hasn't even started. 

"Well, this'll be interesting." Mia uttered the sentence he rarely heard her say.

It was satisfying to hear. Maybe now she'll be more motivated. He couldn't wait for this to start. 

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