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Trying out hypnosis was a ridiculous idea on paper and in practice. Telling the girl to relax was almost hilarious, and telling her to make herself feel comfortable was even more hilarious. With shackles around her wrists, she couldn't even close her eyes. Mia's voice wasn't exactly soothing either, she'd get quickly annoyed if the girl wouldn't listen to her and her voice was harsh in general. 

"Imagine a forest..." Mia told her, reading off a paper with a frown.

"Uh, what kind of forest?" The girl asked her nervously.

"Depends on you. Just imagine it." Mia answered her, not really in the mood for this.

"I don't have anything in mind really..." The girl mumbled softly.

"Any type of forest." Mia's voice slowly became more and more annoyed. 

"But I really-" Mia cut off her voice by throwing the paper on the floor.

"Adrien, this is useless! I can't even take the instructions seriously, let alone her." Mia crossed her arms, grumbling some other words under her breath. 

"We'll figure it out next time, it seems like this type of hypnosis doesn't work on her." Adrien scribbled it down on his own paper, again ignoring her outburst completely.

"I can't really find any other methods..." Alex scratched the back of his head. 

"I told you this useless." Mia repeated once more.

The words hurt the poor girl. She really didn't want this to be repeated so many times. It just seemed like this won't go anywhere. She couldn't even find a reason as to why she should even continue trying. She didn't see a point in this, let alone living. She could only feel, but she had a lot of trouble communicating, not remembering some of the words they used. 

"You have too little patience, miss Amyot." Was the only thing Adrien said, obviously not worried much at all about what was happening.

This was the first time the girl felt any sort of comfort from Adrien's words. He looked competent enough, so if he wasn't ready to give up on her, she knew there was something worth in her. Like there was still some sort of hope of her remembering anything. 

"I say we just tell her everything already." Mia told the idea again, making Alex grumble.

"We are not cheating, Mia." He said, his tone of voice very annoyed.

"There's no need to cheat, we'll figure it out." Adrien stated, sounding almost like he was comforting them, but only almost. 

"Ah, I have a meeting in thirty minutes, so I'll see you kids tomorrow. You're free for now." He told them, dismissing them completely.

"Thank fucking god." Mia grumbled, stomping away angrily, opening the door and slamming them shut.

"Um, don't mind her. Goodbye, mister Marais!" Alex greeted, looking a bit embarrassed by Mia's outburst.

Adrien stated his goodbye, not really caring as usual. He got used to Mia being so explosive and he noticed she got more angered if he just ignored her. She was more obedient if he ignored her, so he just decided to use that method. it was far more efficient. 

As he was in his thoughts, he heard a sneeze. He looked away from his papers to look at the source of the sound. The girl was there, looking at him with a scared expression. He completely forgot she was there to be honest. 

"Dear, I'll go on a meeting now. I'll leave you here alone, I hope you won't find a way to escape." He told her, looking at her with his usual very uninterested neon red eyes.

The girl only lifted her shackled hands in response with an awkward expression. 

"Ah, true." He seemed to let out a bit of a laugh, which made her surprised. 

It wasn't his usual arrogant laugh, just a small sincere laugh. It made her feel so odd, but she didn't know why. Like she hated him less, just because he showed that in fact he did have some humanity in him. 

"What type of meeting are you going on?" She asked, trying to find something more in him. 

Maybe, there was something. Maybe she could work it out with him. Maybe she just needed to push herself a bit to be communicative with him. 

"Ah, I thought you forgot your curiosity." He looked like he was smiling at her. 

She thought about it for a bit. She did. She really did. She was so scared and confused that she forgot to ask questions, or she was too scared to do it. Like she was scared how he'd answer or that he'd think she was stupid. 

"I guess I was just scared." She answered honestly. 

"No need to be scared. I'll answer whatever you want, you just need to ask." He said, but after a pause he spoke up again, as if he remembered her question. 

"But as I was saying, I'm going on that meeting because I was called there. I mean, they're painfully aware that I didn't do much progress with you." Adrien answered, looking like that fact didn't bother him much. 

"... Sorry." Was her only answer, feeling incredibly bad for not remembering something everyone else seemed to remember on their first day here.

"That's not your fault. You must've gone through trauma for you to be like this." Adrien told her.

She felt weird. Like him talking to her so normally was odd. But somehow it felt like it never did before, somehow warm. Like she felt more comfortable. The word trauma took some sort of effect on her, some sort of feeling of sickness. Maybe it was the case? Such a strong reaction to it must mean something, but she couldn't recall what, and it made her head hurt. 

"Rather go to bed, dear. I'll have to get going." He told her, waving slightly. 

He locked the house behind her. She didn't have the strength to tell him anything back, she just went straight to sleep, her head feeling way too heavy to even hold it on her head anymore. She drifted away quickly, going back into sleep, where she never had dreams. 

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