The Library

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Adrien went away alone, to the place he knew best. The library. This library was far better than any library he ever saw on Earth, for it had books from all sorts of time periods. He went to the history section. He scanned the books with his dark red eyes.

He sighed. He hated Alex for doing this to him. He swore he wouldn't get involved in anything connected to the rebellion, but he just had to. He looked for something that would catch his attention, going through years and centuries, but no title seemed like a breakout book.

Time was wasted as he went through the 1870's, it went too fast. Adrien still hasn't found anything. He continued... 1880's... 1890's... 1900's...

"What brings you here, Mr. Marais?" He heard a female voice.

He shifted his gaze to the side a bit, noticing it was that female Judger that peeked his interest. She seemed to be getting different every time he saw her. He kept his finger on the last book he looked at, but his gaze was on her.

"There's not a lot of things people can do in a library, dear." Adrien retorted, somewhat of an amused grin on his face.

She raised her eyebrow, stepping closer to peek at what book his finger was on.

"The Tale of Peter Rabbit? Didn't think you were the type for children's books." She looked up at him, looking amused as well.

Her hair was cut short like any other Judger and had every other characteristic a Judger should have, but she was different. Her facial features are more prominent. Long face, narrow eyes, high cheekbones and full lips.

"I don't see Judgers out from their hiding spots." He completely ignored her question.

"We have lives too." She answered simply.

She was close to being human. But something was stopping her. Like she couldn't do facial features completely.

"You shouldn't." Adrien told her, knowing that they usually don't act like that.

"That's very unfair." She mocked him slightly.

He stared at her. He knew how Judgers were made... And how they ended up after some time. This woman was going to disappear soon, he knew it.

"You're... Different." He said, his mind focused on her situation.

"Aren't you flirty?" The gray haired woman gave him a wink.

"Different is bad in your position. I suggest toning it down." Adrien said in a low voice, like he didn't want anyone to hear them.

"Why is that bad?" She questioned, obviously not taking him seriously.

"There are some things that even you don't know, all I can tell you is that you're not as powerful in this society as you think." Adrien told her, somehow making her look like she understood him only now.

"I know, that's why I wanted to do some research here." She told him, looking annoyed at him.

"Good. You're on the wrong section. Hell books are on the other side of the library. Don't get distracted next time." He gave brief instructions, sounding much ruder than he actually was.

"Fine... I'll see you around, Mr. Marais." She stated before turning around and leaving.

"You will, dear." He answered, immediately returning to his business, ignoring social contact as always.

He tried looking through the books and no matter how much time passed, he saw something rather interesting. A book titled 'Demon Outbreak: 2017'. He looked through the book. This was something he should do research on, it seemed like it would have the answers.

He borrowed the book from the library, giving a small tip to the librarian to not tell anyone about this. He went out of the library, his mind on this book. As soon as he came home, he became thrilled with the information.

He learned a lot of things. Some creatures broke out from out of nowhere, humans labelling them demons. They looked like them, but with different colored hair. That sounded a lot like the people in Hell. But the difference was that they don't have any sanity. It said the demons didn't control themselves and destroyed everything in front of them. That was a bit of a contrast from them. But he knew that it would go like this. That they wouldn't return to their bodies like they didn't even die. But this is all uncertain.

He thought about it. This was a rebellion of hope, most likely. How had this feeling that he couldn't convince them otherwise, just because of the pure hope the movement had. He could always try, but he didn't know if it was worth his time. All he did know is that he had to explain this to the people he cared about; Alex and Unako. Although he knew Alex was down to earth and listened to what he told him, he knew Unako was a bit of an odd one. She liked weird ideas and questioned a lot of stuff. He didn't want Unako pulling Alex down.

But a little fact was revealed from Alex. A fact he wasn't surprised by in the slightest.

"Mrs. Amyot being in the rebellion isn't surprising at all. I don't know how you got so shocked, Alex." Adrien stated nonchalantly, not caring much about the fact.

"But, Mr. Marais, this is dangerous, she could get hurt and..." Alex's mind started getting jumbled.

"And that's none of your business." Adrien finished off for him.

"It is... I keep losing people." Alex's eyes got teary again.

"You haven't lost anyone. People separate. It's part of, well, life and the afterlife." The older man explained, patting Alex's back.

"I lost my girlfriend... I'm trying to find her." Alex opened up to his idol.

"Girlfriend? That's... Odd." Adrien thought about it, remembering that he had something going on with Unako.

"I'm trying to find her ever since I got here. I can't forget someone like her, Mr. Marais. We need to continue this journey together. But I can't find her anywhere." A tear fell out.

Adrien got very nervous. He didn't know how to comfort people and the chances of hurting Alex now were even bigger than 100 percent.

"Looking for people from the past is hopeless, Alex. You shouldn't do that. This is a new life." Adrien tried to explain.

"I don't care, I love her. I have to find her. But how can I do anything right when I keep losing people?" He got so panicky that Adrien felt bad just looking at him.

"You didn't lose her and you certainly didn't lose Mrs. Amyot." He stated this like facts, but Alex wouldn't listen.

"And I lost... I lost Unako. She's avoiding me and-and..." He started hysterically crying.

Adrien got the message. Unako could very well be with the rebellion. He sighed deeply and put his hands on Alex's shoulders.

"We need to have a serious talk about this rebellion, right now." He stated, even he was getting scared for Unako.

If he made Alex understand, he could make Unako stay. He had to help now, there was no turning back.

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