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The two of them were going towards Adrien's house. He told her she'd have to live with him from now on. She felt odd, she never was called her name and she had no idea when he was talking to her or someone else. He was so much taller than her that he couldn't even bend his neck to see her, or he just didn't bother trying. She didn't quite like him, she always felt like he treated her like a kid.

"Step in front of this mirror." Adrien told her once they got to his house. 

She'd sometimes forget basic words and their meaning, but somehow they came back to her head once she saw them. She felt like she was so inferior to him and all the other people walking around. All of them had odd colored hair and eyes. Almost creepy. 

"Why?" She questioned, not understanding.

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"You question stupid things. Why aren't you questioning how you look?" Adrien asked her, again, as if he was better than her.

She got annoyed, but she knew he was right. She didn't know anything about herself, other than that she was female. Not any memories, family members, friends, nothing. Just thoughts and random feelings jumbled up in a body that felt almost incomplete. She stepped in front of the mirror, not saying a word to Adrien. 

Somehow she got surprised, but it quickly passed her. Like she didn't believe what she saw, but as soon as a moment passed she recognized herself. Her full cheeks, thin lips and defined brows stayed the same. But the reason she got surprised soon showed. Her straight long brown hair was turning green on the ends of her hair, and her usually baby blue eyes were getting an odd pinkish tint. Her skin was also turning an odd milky white on some parts. She got scared, not understanding what was happening to her. She didn't remember how she got those changes. She looked at Adrian in panic. 

"W-What's happening!?" She yelled, getting very scared about her body.

"Relax, relax. It's just the air here. It makes your body weird." Adrien answered nonchalantly. 

She remembered something. Someone telling her to relax. A female voice. A soft crying female voice. She couldn't remember anything more, no matter how much she tried. But at least she remembered something. When will this feeling of emptiness stop? Emptiness and curiosity?

"Why am I here? Why am I in Hell? What did I do?" Tears welled up in her eyes. 

She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to be dead. She wanted to go back to life, where she'd actually remember something. She saw her body as young, then she must've died because of an accident or something similar. She shouldn't have died so young. She wanted to know what happened and what she did to deserve it.

"Don't worry, we just call it Hell because of the hot weather. Realistically everyone goes here after they die." His voice was uncomfortable, as if he was scared of talking to her while she looked like she was about to cry. 

Somehow she just couldn't accept that she died. She still existed, how did she die then? She was still in her body. How did it get here? Was this some sort of prank? She didn't know, but she did start crying, feeling an odd feeling of missing something, but even she didn't know what. Like she couldn't even remember the feeling of being alive to miss it. 

"Now that you looked at yourself, what's your name?" Adrien questioned her, completely ignoring her crying uneasily.

That made her feel even worse.

"I don't know... How am I supposed to know that?" She cried even more, getting even more panicked.

Was this supposed to make her remember something? All it did was bring back a brief and short memory of her past life. Nothing else. Not her name, not her family or her friends or even her life. Will she even remember now?

"You don't know?" He questioned, looking surprised but not like he cared much. 

She could only nod, feeling her stomach turn. She was human. She wasn't dead. She had feelings, she remembers them. She remembers the feelings she had for her memories, it wasn't fake, they existed. She lived for sure. But somehow she needed reassurance by having those memories. 

"This usually helps everyone..." He looked like he was deep in thought. 

She disliked being here already. He didn't even bother giving her a second glance if her feelings were in question. Being with him didn't sound like the best thing in the world. He didn't look like he cared in the slightest.

"I won't report it. I'll figure it out myself. You'll just be proof I'm the best at this job." He stated, as if he ignored he needed help or that the person in front of him had any feelings. 

She only fell quiet, feeling oddly alone. Will she even be allowed to go outside? He needed to take care of her, and for now he didn't quite show interest or understanding to her. Is she supposed to be like this? Nobody was telling her anything and this man kept giving her smartass faces whenever she asked anything. This was all just uncomfortable. 

"You'll figure it out?" She asked, not really believing him. 

"Of course I will. This is just one method we most commonly use. I'd be glad to experiment a bit with this." It almost looked like Adrien was glad she was having issues with remembering anything. 

She didn't quite like his stance towards her. She wasn't into the whole experiment thing. She was a living human being, not just something he has to do to prove himself. She stopped crying, seeing no use of it anymore. She couldn't cry anymore anyway, it's not like anything will happen. 

"Hm, and I have something in plan already..." Adrien looked satisfied with his plan, to which she just gulped, nervous about his plan and how he'll treat her. 

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