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Alex got himself a glass of milk. He didn't warm it up, cold milk was better for him for some reason. He took his regular pill and squished it. He didn't like chugging pills, he always had to drink it combined with milk. The blue haired boy combined the squished pill with the milk, and drank it quickly. It tasted bitter, but he'd rather do that than drink pills. It was to keep his chaotic side down.

He sighed. After yesterday's encounter, he couldn't help but feel weird and like something was missing. Mia was missing.
Oliviera was missing. He kept losing everyone he loved. How would he find the two of them?

His thoughts were cut off by the buzzing of his phone. He sighed and looked who was calling. Unako. A feeling of nervousness went through his entire body. He gulped and picked up the phone.

"Hey, you gotta tell me if you found out something!" She squealed into the phone immediately.

Alex smiled a bit, feeling warmer. But he disliked that.

"Oh, yeah, I actually-" He got cut off.

"Can I come over? I wanna discuss this in person. I hate texting and calls." His heart stopped.

Something would go wrong, he knew it. He got scared. He had to be honest with her, but he didn't know how to do it without hurting her. He gulped again. Better now than never.

"Yeah, sure, you can come. Head right over." Alex's voice seemed dead as he spoke, getting scared at the thought.

"Are you okay?" Unako asked in a more sensitive voice.

"... We'll talk about it when you come over." Alex said, his voice serious and tired.

Unako mumbled a nervous 'goodbye', right after she left to his apartment. Alex sat on the chair of his kitchen, horrified in the silence of this room. He hated being alone. He really missed Mia. He really missed Oliviera. He felt tears in his eyes. Why did he feel guilty again?

As soon as Unako came by, he tried hiding the sadness. He didn't wanna effect her mood, since she seemed happy about him discovering something, although he didn't discover anything smart at all, only a member.

"Tell me everything you found out!" She jumped on his couch, getting comfortable.

He didn't know how he should start this at all. He sat down on the couch, just on the other side. He didn't want to be too close.

"I... Uh... I saw Mia." He stuttered a bit, looking pained.

Unako raised an eyebrow. She looked like she wasn't very pleased with what he was saying. Alex felt so dumb. Of course she liked him. She was so jealous that any idiot would notice. Any idiot except Alex.

"Mia? I mean, that's not exactly what I asked, but whatever. How? When?" She questioned, but it looked like she was sparking with jealousy.

"She was in the street, spray painting some stuff for the rebellion." Alex told her, remembering yesterday and getting hurt all over again.

"Mia's in the rebellion? Not surprising honestly." Unako nodded, not nearly as surprised as Alex was.

"I'm even more worried now." He told her, looking at his feet.

"Why? She's doing something with herself, that's what you wanted, right?" The green haired girl questioned, raising her eyebrow.

"I never wanted something like this!" He yelled out, getting very annoyed she was not understanding the situation.

She looked at him, getting a very mousey appearance. He felt bad as soon as he raised his voice at her. She looked up at him like a little kitten when you scare it.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried and I can't find a way to stop worrying. I shouldn't have raised my voice." He apologized immediately.

He got surprised when she hugged him. He stiffened up, not knowing what he should do. He didn't want to hug back, he didn't want to give her any more false hopes, but he didn't just want to leave her hanging either. He was scared she'd feel bad and awkward. So what did he do? He hugged back.

"I can't look at you being so worried about her, Alex! You deserve so much better!" She cried into his chest.

He felt sorry for her. Sorry that she felt so much sympathy for him instead of just minding her business. He didn't deserve so much sympathy, not after letting two of his friends go away from him. And he felt even more sorry because he couldn't be with her, he'll hurt her, even though she became so vulnerable around him.

"It's my responsibility to try and find them..." Alex explained calmly, not wanting her to cry.

"No, you don't have to look for anybody! Mia is rejecting your help! Stop being in the past so much! Look at what's in front of you!" She continued to cry harder, but this time looking at him straight in the eyes.

They were very close, too close. She seemed to like it, but he didn't.

"I have a duty, Unako." Alex retorted simply.

"Why am I not a duty?" She questioned, still being as close as before.

"I... You are, but-"

"You can be with me, Alex. I'm not some sort of impossible mission. You won't help Mia, she doesn't want it. I'm here, Alex." Unako tried to make him understand, so he can finally stop torturing himself.

Alex was quiet, looking at her. He didn't know how to reply at all. She looked at him with a puppy dog face, like she was begging, looking at him like she wanted something big. He really did want to kiss her. They were so close to doing it. Inches away... But he turned his head in the other direction.

She looked at him with a pained expression, but he didn't look at her from shame. He couldn't look at the pain he caused her.

"I have a girlfriend, Unako." He stated firmly, looking at the floor.

"I... I thought..." Unako fumbled on her own words, trying to speak from the heart break.

"I know. But I can't." Alex finished with that.

Unako moved away, tears in her eyes that she was trying to hold in.

"I-I see." She tried to be reasonable, but the sadness of heartbreak was too hard to cover up.

She picked up her purse as quickly as she could, her arms shaking. She tried to be firm. She couldn't make him love her. She closed the door of his apartment softly, going home slowly, not believing he rejected her.

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