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The girl walked awkwardly, following the three people guiding her. Her so called 'caretaker' wasn't very caring at all and just seemed like he wanted to get this over with. Adrien just made her feel like shit as time went on, keeping her in shackles at all times, making it very hard to sleep in his, at least, comfortable bed. Mia didn't pay much attention to her, except bringing stuff Alex got to remind her of her life. It didn't work.

"Do you know what this is?" Mia questioned her, bringing something square, looking similar like a phone.

"... I don't know..." Was her only reply, looking at the floor with teary pink eyes.

Mia looked at her with an annoyed facial expression, very dramatically and obviously rolling her eyes, sighing just to make her feel even worse. She felt so pathetic the last few days. They keep trying to make her remember, and all of them looked nervous and annoyed by now. Well, everyone but Alex, who they kept telling to focus instead of talking to her. The only thing she did like about this was talking to Alex. She didn't like Mia nor Adrien, especially Adrien. They just made her feel dumb and useless.

"Have anything else?" Adrien questioned, himself also looking tired from the four days of trying to make her remember anything.

"Ummm, I mean, we showed her everything I could find in Hell. We don't exactly have a lot of stuff from Earth..." Alex explained, feeling kinda bad he couldn't do more.

"Of course you couldn't." Adrien cut him off sharply, rolling his red neon eyes.

"Oh, shut up. You try doing something, grandpa." Mia threw the Tamagotchi she had in her hand at him, obvious frustration on her face.

"Watch how you behave, miss Amyot." He told her, not very moved by her outburst.

"Don't tell me what to do! You're the one being an asshole to him! He looked for this stupid shit for three days and begged to get it!" She called him out, just like she would every time.

"Just for you to throw it around. I agree, you are being quite ungrateful." He answered, looking through the papers, not really bothered by anything she was saying.

She got so annoyed by the older man. He always said something that annoyed her, his ego was inflated and it seemed like he just didn't care if she made a good point. Him ignoring her provocation made her so angry and frustrated, not to mention she was losing interest in helping this girl remember anything. It was getting boring to do every day.

"It's okay. I'll try to look for more stuff." Alex said, obviously saddened by Adrien looking down on him, but still being too stubborn to stop trying. 

"No need, this won't work. We need new methods." Adrien concluded swiftly.

"We could just cheat and tell her her memories..." Mia mumbled, crossing her arms.

"But we can do more than just cheat. You're too smart to take the easy way, right?" Adrien gave her a sort of grin, which made her feel weird.

Alex felt even worse, not really getting why he wasn't getting any attention. He was trying so much harder than her, but she always got all the attention. It just wasn't fair. He blocked out, not listening to them discuss any further methods, he just couldn't concentrate from all the frustration. He deserved it more than Mia, but was that really true if she always did get the spotlight?

"Don't pay attention to him. He's like that." The unknown girl spoke up to him. 

He got surprised, forgetting she was there. He smiled at her appreciating her returning the kindness. 

"I'm trying hard, it just looks like he doesn't appreciate my effort." Alex shrugged, his face having a slight pout.

"I appreciate it. At least you don't treat me like an object." The girl lifted up her hands, signaling to her shackles.

He smiled at the remark, but he decided to explain some things to her.

"I mean, I don't quite like them myself, but there's a reason for those. You could explode at any minute-" He was cut off by her confused voice.

"E-explode?" She asked nervously. 

It seems like Adrien didn't quite explain anything to her.

"I mean, not literally! It comes with the memories-" And he was cut off again, it seems like it was tradition by now.

"Mister Carvallo, if you're so eager to prove yourself, rather take part in these conversations instead of trying to talk with the girl." Adrien's voice said, not really amused by him.

"Oh, um, yeah, excuse me." He slightly went away from the girl, going to join them.

"We'll talk some other time." He added, before actually joining them. 

"Miss Amyot suggested hypnosis." Adrien told the boy, looking at him for a reaction.

"What kind of hypnosis?" Alex questioned Mia.

"Like the ones psychiatrists use, ya know what I mean." Mia explained lazily.

"I mean, it's worth a shot." Alex agreed, but didn't quite think that would work. 

"Have anything better in plan?" Mia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, maybe getting her comfortable? Taking of her shackles maybe?" Alex questioned, not quite liking the way the girl was treated.

"Ah, that won't be manageable. The shackles are necessary." Adrien suddenly spoke up, surprising everyone in the room.

He was looking through the paper so long and was quiet for a longer period. One would think he wasn't even listening to the two pair discussing plans.

"Why not?" The girl managed to speak up, curiosity obvious in her voice.

"Once you recall your death, the shock will be so traumatic that you'll have a violent outburst." Adrien answered, not looking very bothered by the idea.

The girl looked at the floor, looking very troubled. Somehow she was a bit reluctant about recalling her past life, especially her death. This was a new life, maybe this could be a new start. Maybe she didn't need them, maybe she could start over again all together.

"That's what separates us from humans. Aggressiveness. Once you explode, you'll need pills to make you calm. But it's necessary." Alex explained to her, bringing quite the contrast to Adrien's disinterested voice when explaining something.

Adrien sounded so bored and like he was stating something she should know already. Alex talked to her like he understood, with kindness and compassion. Why did he ignore him so much? Alex looked more like he was for the job of being a caretaker than Adrien or Mia combined.

"We'll try the hypnosis tomorrow. I have business to attend to. Let's go, dear." Adrien told the girl, motioning her to follow him after saying his goodbyes to his fellow disciplines.

Somehow, the way he said dear made her feel sick. She really didn't like him, nor his arrogance. She really hoped they'd make her memories return soon, otherwise she'll be stuck with him for longer than she should, hoping that she'd ever get rid of him in the first place. 

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