Dumb Reason

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Adrien explained to Alex the best he could, going into great detail. Alex got surprised at all of the information he figured out. It seemed so bizzare.

"I think I know who's leading this rebellion..." Adrien said, looking pained he had to mention it.

Alex kept quiet, looking at his idol with patience. He didn't wanna force him to speak about something he obviously looked uncomfortable doing.

"A woman I know. Her body is kept in a body of a child, but she was here so long that she matured mentally. Her innocent appearance usually makes her very trust worthy, after all, she is a child." Adrien explained, looking like he was trying to pick the right words.

"Why would she want to break out? I don't get it..." Alex was too innocent to understand.

"This society is very corrupt in many different ways that I'm not allowed to speak about. It's cruel, but it has to be." The red haired male explained, not agreeing with the morality of this.

"How am I supposed to convince Unako to not join them if I don't know everything?" Alex questioned, feeling like this was already a hopeless case.

Adrien was quiet as he looked at the shorter boy.

"... I was couting on your persuasive skills, Alex." Adrien said, seeming like he wasn't too satisfied with this conclusion either.

"But I don't have much evidence and-" Alex began to panic.

"Just speak from the heart. That usually works out for you." The man commented, giving a slight chuckle.

Alex smiled, feeling more hopeful. He just needed a bit more time to feel confident.

"Mr. Marais, how do you know that girl? Is she dangerous?" He asked her, curiosity in his voice.

"She is. She's smart, intelligent and not afraid to take drastic measures. But worst of all, hopeful, persuasive and ethical." He spoke somewhat passionately about her.

"She knows what's wrong and what's right, and she'll change what's wrong, if not, she'll escape because it's not by her taste." He explained, sounding like he admired her.

"How did you meet her?" Alex asked again.

He kept quiet, but spoke up after some time.

"She tried changing the system. She and her friend had guts, but it didn't go well for them. I had no idea what happened to the two of them. All I know is that they disappeared. Everyone is acting like they didn't even exist and it keeps going on for thousands of years." Adrien was saddened by this fact.

"You've been here for a long time, Mr. Marais." Alex told, feeling sympathy for the much older man.

"I have. And I forgot the faces of the people I used to love. They just disappeared from my head, too much time passed." Adrien told him, avoiding eye contact, looking at the floor firmly.

"I'm scared of that. I keep telling myself how everyone in my family and friends looked like before I go to sleep. It's been twenty five years but I can't imagine their faces anymore properly." Alex felt his body slightly shake, knowing what that meant.

How was he supposed to find anyone if he can't remember their faces? How was he supposed to find Oliviera? He couldn't imagine her face properly in his mind anymore. Even the feelings he had for her were slowly passing away.

"That's why it's not good to dwell in the past too much. I sometimes forget my past all together. I remember maybe three things from my life. I can't process so much information. I don't know if it's even correct or not." He said, surprised at himself for opening up to Alex.

Alex was overjoyed that Adrien was saying something so personal to him. He forgot the man was a human sometimes, just because of the fact that he idolized him so much.

"I understand, I'm scared of that." He told him honestly.

"It'll come with time. But you'll start feeling crazy slowly and very empty...." He was quiet a couple of minutes as he let in a deep sigh.

"But listen, you aren't allowed to talk about this at all. Nobody knows about this except the government, I just wanted you to understand the threat. You aren't allowed to talk about this with anyone but me. I'm honestly unsure if they even existed or if it was just my imagination mixing with the past, but if they are, this is a serious threat." Adrien told him with a serious expression, wanting the boy to understand.

"I get it. I won't. I'll be careful." Alex replied simply, following his orders easily.

"I don't want anyone else in this rebellion. Something bad will happen, but no matter what, I want you to listen to me." Adrien seemed like he really did care now, like he didn't want Alex or Unako getting hurt.

"Mr. Marais, I always listened to you." He told him.

Adrien raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, except that one time with Unako. But otherwise I did." He corrected himself, making Adrien laugh a bit.

"I hope that won't repeat itself. You are the person I trust most." Adrien commented, but smiled as soon as he saw Alex looking at him with a very goofy bright and wide satisfied smile.

"Really?" He questioned.

"Yes, really. You're not hard to trust, Alex." He told the younger boy who looked like he was ready to burst out from energy.

"Do you know why I admire you, Mr. Marais?" Alex asked him.

"No, but it's probably not a very smart reason." Adrien deadpanned.

"Do you remember me?" He questioned.

"No, excuse me, I really chose to forget my clients." Adrien stated honestly.

Alex looked a bit disappointed for a while, but he brushed it off.

"You gave me cookies and some tea. I asked you to bring me milk. I was very scared the entire time. But you were so nice and warm that I didn't feel bad about myself and not remembering the same second. When you brought me the milk and brought me the surprise pancakes, I remembered everything. You did it so quickly that I couldn't help but admire you." Alex told through starry eyes.

Adrien couldn't help but smile a lot around Alex, he just brought it out of him. He brought back his positivity.

"Ah, so it is a dumb reason." He laughed a bit.

"It isn't..." Alex pouted.

"Tell you what, I'll give you some milk now and make you pancakes." Adrien stood up.


"No buts, Alex. Let me try to be myself again." Adrien told him, ignoring his pleas.

At the end, Alex was very pleased with his pancakes and milk. He felt as if his dreams were slowly coming true, at least idol wise.

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