52 - Makings of a Leader (or Two)

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Sirius and Hestia Side-along Apparated to her house and the two of them made their way towards it in relative silence.

Hestia was still crying albeit quietly. Sirius did not have words to console her. Nothing could be said at the moment, not after seeing Dedalus like that. He was still having trouble trying to erase the picture from his mind, even though he knew it was not something one could forget easily.

Besides, he still had a job to do.

"I have to get the Order," said Sirius, halting just outside the front door. "We need to take his... him away from there."

Hestia sniffled and brushed away the fresh tears seeping down her cheek. Her eyes were bloodshot when she turned to look at Sirius. He wished he could do or say something to comfort her although he had no clue what had to be said.

For a second, her lips parted and she took in a breath as if she wanted to say something. It was only a moment in time, but Sirius would acutely remember it in the days to come for there was something intangible and heavy in the air - something that felt like a weight on his chest.

But the next instant, she simply nodded and turned to leave.

Sirius didn't know what came over him, but he reached out and gripped her shoulder. She stopped and turned halfway around, looking up politely puzzled.

"Are you-" he began but amended, "Will you be okay?"

Her lips quirked upward ever so slightly yet there was nothing light-hearted about her expression. "I'm going to my sister's. I have to let her know."

It was not the answer he wanted to hear but he let her go and nodded. "You take care of yourself."

Hestia returned an imperceptible nod, her eyes gaining a faraway gaze that worried him.

"If there's anything you need," said Sirius, with sincerity, "I'm just a Patronus away."

He was rewarded when Hestia looked at him properly.

"Thank you."

With a final nod, he turned her back on her and walked out to the gates before Apparating away, wishing he had done more.


Saturday, August 9

The once empty mansion of the Abbotts was now teeming with people. Besides Ron and Hermione, Remus, Dora, and the twins, Catherine and Angelina had also taken refuge with them as soon as the new law against the Muggleborns was enacted almost immediately once Thicknesse had been sworn in.

The idea of a Muggleborn Registration Commission was ridiculous and could only mean that almost all of the higher-ups were Imperiused. Blood traitors too were being watched and they had not heard from the Weasleys since the last Patronus they had received the day after the wedding - that they were safe and not to contact them.

Remus was glad he and Dora had been tasked with keeping Ron and Hermione safe in the house. With Dora wanted for supposedly aiding Sirius in Scrimgeour's death, it was a good thing they had not headed home straight from the wedding.

Fred and George had escaped ambush in their own flat only because Fred had spotted a boot-print on their threshold that had warned them a split second sooner of the presence of intruders inside. Dedalus hadn't been so lucky and Remus wondered if his injury had made him unable to escape. He shuddered at the memory of Sirius, Kingsley and himself trying to collect his body. He hadn't been able to sleep for days with the image of Dedalus' dismembered body etched in his mind.

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