51 - Framed, Defamed & Dismembered

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Thursday, July 17

When the Order was informed of the news of Harry leaving home during the next meeting, their reactions were mixed. While the adults were concerned, the younger members were upset with Harry for having abandoned them. With the full moon that night and only hours left before his transformation, Remus was feeling exceptionally annoyed with everyone while the verbal fight ensued.

"What sort of an idiot risks his life by running away into the open when he's the one person You-Know-Who wants to finish off the most?" Fred's words were echoed by most of Harry's Quidditch team, who knew he had a penchant for putting his life on the line carelessly.

"Look, I'm upset with him too! But stop talking about my best mate like that!" snapped Ron, who was attending with Hermione for their first Order meeting.

Remus knew that in any other situation it would have been impossible for them to attend as Molly would have been against it at all costs. But after having tried to wheedle the "secret" out of them unsuccessfully, she had been willing to allow them to attend the meeting. Remus suspected she thought she could pressure them along with the others into revealing it to her.

Which was fruitless, in his opinion. If Ron and Hermione were as devoted to Harry as Sirius was, they would guard the secret with their life.

"Quiet," barked Mad-Eye. "If Molly is to be believed, you said Albus left him some mission." He was looking at Ron, but his electric-blue eye found Hermione, who paled.

"What sort of mission?" asked Kingsley.

"That should somewhat explain why he had been leaving for days on end last year," said Doge, putting together two and two. "He never told us what it was himself."

"Albus must have thought he could handle it alone," said Dedalus, his voice lower than usual. "But, the fact is he's gone."

"And Potter thinks he's the one who should do it himself?" growled Mad-Eye. "The Order is more than up to any job that Albus might have to do!"

"See?" Molly rounded sharply towards her youngest son. "I've told you, Ron, you're not helping anyone by keeping secrets! We all have Harry's best interests at heart too."

"I'm not betraying-" started Ron, but was cut off when Arthur said, "Sirius, these are kids. We know Dumbledore trusted you with it too. Why don't you tell us?"

Everyone turned towards Sirius simultaneously, who had bags under his tired eyes and the beginnings of a stubble. Remus wondered if he had slept at all but when Sirius spoke, his words were sharp and not at all unfocussed.

"Dumbledore trusted me - us," he amended, looking around at Ron and Hermione. "-because we're capable of taking care of it on our own."

Molly opened her mouth to argue when Sirius cut in with a solemn expression. "I'm not opposed to your help, if it means my godson can come home sooner."

For one moment, Remus was almost glad Sirius was willing to allow the Order to help before Sirius uttered the next few words.

"But, this is out of my hands," continued Sirius, looking around at everyone, his jaw tensing visibly. "I cannot and will not reveal anything; there is a reason Dumbledore wanted as few people as possible to know. I reckon I don't know a lot myself and I might have to discuss with Ron and Hermione first. We may or may not need your help, but I want you to know, it is not our choice that we keep it under wraps."

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