64 - The Enemy and The Vow

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It was late afternoon, just past lunchtime. Most of the inhabitants of the Combe Abbott were congregated in the drawing room like one big, happy family, having a jolly time joking around, the twins providing most of the entertainment with what seemed to be a hairbrush that magically transformed their hairstyle - it certainly ought to have spawned out of their joke shop

Fred and George were sporting ludicrous hot pink quiffs and neon green curls much to the amusement of the people gathered around them.

When Sirius entered the room however, everyone took one look at him and broke into cheers and applause.

"Well done, Sirius mate!" "You killed his bloody snake!" The twins exclaimed, curtseying and taking off their imaginary hats to him.

Tonks beamed from beside them, her brown hair seeming deceptively plain next to the twins. Even though Tonks was not so far gone as to avoid everyone altogether, Sirius had seen her occasionally out on the grounds alone and in her own space. Her father's death was still too raw and new but it gratified him to see her surrounded by people who did not allow her to wallow for too long. "It's nice to see you back on your feet so soon, Sirius," she said with a relieved smile. "You gave us all a right good scare."

Sirius watched the proceeding with impassivity, his triumph at having killed Nagini long forgotten. He searched the room for Hermione and found her missing. "Where's Hermione?"

The exuberant atmosphere quietened at once picking up on his disinterest. Tonks' smile faltered, but she still managed to say in a light tone, "Ron and Hermione are upstairs. Remus gave them a ton of homework," she said, glancing at the latter who was gazing at Sirius with curiosity.

Sirius gave a short nod and proceeded to climb up the stairs, leaving the others whispering amongst themselves. He knocked and let himself in when Ron acknowledged him. The room had become their own little meeting place whenever they needed to discuss the Horcruxes. Ron was sprawled on the floor, surrounded by scrolls of parchment and a stack of books, the picture of an industrious NEWTs student. Hermione was curled on the armchair beside the window with Crookshanks dozing on her lap and a book in her hands, likely having finished her homework by now. Both of them looked up at him with mingled relief and surprise.

Hermione straightened up, her voice higher than usual. "Sirius! Did you do it? Did you actually kill the snake? Tonks said-"

Sirius nodded. "We have one less Horcrux to worry about."

Ron whooped and jumped up to his feet, scaring Crookshanks, who hissed and sprang out of Hermione's lap. "Ah, finally! Something to cheer about!"

"Are you okay, Sirius?" asked Hermione, looking at him with wide eyes. "Remus said you were injured. If it was anything like Ron's dad's wound..."

"It's taken care of," said Sirius, lifting his shoulder reflexively and testing its soreness. "I'm here for something else. I need that book about the Horcruxes, Hermione - the book you stole from Dumbledore."

Hermione squawked, offended at his turn of phrase, "I wasn't stealing it!"

"Yeah, yeah. We know, Hermione," said Ron exasperatedly, his lips twitching. "We're glad you did."

Hermione shot him a disgruntled stare but proceeded to rummage into a small, beaded bag that was perpetually slung across her shoulder. Ron turned towards him, intrigued. "Why do you need it?"

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