9 - First Stop: Gringotts

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A few members of the Wizengamot stepped down from the Judges' table to shake hands with Sirius, some gracious enough to offer their apologies and also congratulating him. Sirius got his wand back and some of the Wizengamot stopped to watch as it gave out a shower of crimson and silver sparks. Sirius then signed the papers that Madam Bones had produced before him, the smile never leaving his face.

Harry and Sirius had then been mobbed by frantic reporters waiting in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic, seemingly having gotten wind of the result of the trial from the grapevines. It seemed even the Ministry workers had stopped to watch what was causing all the bedlam.

"Mr. Potter, can I have a word-"

"Mr. Black, did you really confound Harry Potter to provide witness for you-?"

Sirius was scowling again and Harry was amused to note the reporters were standing a good three feet away from him, simultaneously walking fast to keep up with him yet also at a distance.

They took the telephone box ride up as they could not shout their address in the Floo with all the reporters watching in. It was a relief to step out into the relatively calm muggle street. They reached a dirty alleyway flowing with rubbish and Sirius stretched out his arm. "Grab on to my hand. You can Side-Along Apparate with me."

Harry took hold of Sirius' arm when Sirius warned, "Hold tight. Here we go."

He felt Sirius' arm twist away from him and redoubled his grip; the next thing he knew, everything went black and he was being squeezed from all directions; he could not breathe, his eyeballs were being forced back and his eardrums were being pushed into his skull and then-

He gasped, taking in great lungfulls of air and opened his streaming eyes. That was the most bizarre sensation he had ever experienced, like that of being squeezed through a taut rubber tube.

Sirius was bending down to look at him properly. "Are you alright? You do need some practice to get used to the sensation..."

"I'm fine," said Harry, rubbing his ears which felt rather like he was underwater. "But I think I prefer brooms..."

Sirius gave a bark of laughter, clapping him on the back. Harry felt his ears pop at the sudden jerk. It was then that Harry noticed they were standing on the top step outside the familiar door of Number 12.


Lunch was prepared by Kreacher, who for once kept the muttering to a minimum. After a comforting portion of steak-and-kidney pie (there was no dessert), they had a visitor in the form of Remus Lupin.

He looked pale and anxious as he entered but he got one look at Sirius and nearly burst into tears. Harry found it quite amusing to see the usually mild-mannered man displaying his happiness so exuberantly.

"You made it! You finally made it!" Lupin embraced Sirius, who was beaming in obvious happiness as he gestured him to sit.

"You should have seen Harry," said Sirius, shaking his head and grinning. "He put down Fudge in front of the entire Wizengamot."

Lupin's eyes widened comically. "What?"

Harry looked down rather sheepishly and pushed a plate in front of Lupin. "It wasn't like that."

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