11 - Addictions

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Wednesday, July 3

Sirius took a long drag and exhaled, watching the puff of smoke swirling in the air. Being back at the Potter Manor was so much better than his own house. He felt at home here, but it didn't stop the unbidden memories surfacing now and again. Remus was visiting Dora and Sirius was left alone with his morbid thoughts. He had been too upset to sleep in his own room last night, memories of James in every hallway and had gotten down to the living room early in the morning to have a quick smoke.

He couldn't drink with Harry around, so a fag had to do.

Sirius was watching the smoke patterning the air, hypnotised, when a quiet voice cut through the fog in his head.

"I didn't know you smoked."

Sirius looked up to see Harry in his pyjamas, leaning against the kitchen door, arms crossed in front of him. He looked like he had rolled straight out of bed and Sirius wondered why he was up so early. Sirius was relieved to note that Harry was not looking at him judgementally, just an honest expression of curiosity as he furrowed his eyebrows.

A smile tugged at Sirius' lips. "You don't know a lot of things about me."

To his dismay, Sirius watched as Harry pulled up a chair looking saddened at those words. Sirius cursed himself mentally. Of course, he didn't know! It was not Harry's fault that he hadn't been present in his life just as he had promised James, fifteen years ago.

Sirius sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes. Merlin, had it already been fifteen years?

Hoping to cheer Harry up, Sirius put-out his cigarette and tossed it to the trash. Sirius walked over to the kitchen top as he looked over at Harry. "Breakfast?"

Harry nodded and Sirius pushed a plate of toast and fruits over to Harry that Twitchet had eagerly prepared early in the morning. He watched Harry eat his food quietly.

"You know," said Sirius slowly, gauging his reaction, "your Dad and I used to do it when we were in school."

Harry looked up, eyes wide in surprise. "Really?"

Sirius nodded to himself. "Yup, quite the show-offs we were. Idiots, more like. But then, during seventh year, your Dad quit smoking, you know, with trying to impress your mother and all."

Harry wrinkled his nose, "He sounds like he was a stalker."

Sirius laughed out loud. "Trust me, it did seem like that. But he changed a lot during that year. And the funny thing is, your mum said she herself had a phase when she tried her hand at it too."

Harry who had been lifting up a toast to his mouth abruptly halted. "My mum?"

Sirius laughed as he continued, "Yes. She was a feisty woman, your mother. She quit after two months, said she didn't enjoy it much after all. Made sure your dad quit too."

Harry's mind was reeling. Everyone always said his mum was really sweet and charming and all-round lovely. He had never known his mother had a rebellious streak in her too. Somehow, the idea did not disturb him. It seemed oddly... fitting.

Harry smiled as he bit into his toast. "Tell me more about them."

Sirius, looking rather mischievous, then went into great detail as he told him stories of his mum and the Marauders' days in Hogwarts. Harry had been shocked to learn many things - his mum was Snape's best friend for a time before the incident that Harry had seen in Snape's memories. After that, she had quit being friends with him and Harry was comforted. It was disturbing already knowing they were pals once.

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