33 - Hospital Visits

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Monday, November 4

Harry was woken up in the morning by Ron, who seemed to be in a better mood than last night for which he was grateful; he did not think he could handle a moody, aggressive Ron along with an equally upset Hermione. When Ron had gone to shower, Harry pulled out his mirror and called for Sirius again - to no reply. He couldn't understand why Sirius was not available. It was early enough in the morning for Harry to be sure Sirius was at home.

Briefly, Harry wondered if something had happened to him. But he quickly cast aside the idea as soon as he had thought of it. He must be over-reacting.

Wouldn't be the first time, Harry thought darkly.

Sirius was probably in some mission for the Order and had left behind the mirror at home. Yes, that seemed more plausible.

Thinking that he would try calling Sirius one more time tonight, he got up from his bed to get dressed.

Ron and Harry went down to the Great Hall for breakfast, where Hermione was conspicuously absent. Ron did not seem affected by this as he ate his breakfast, but after fifteen minutes, Hermione had entered the Hall and taken a seat beside Harry.

Harry thought he saw Ron glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes, but a loud distraction came in the form of Lavender, who squealed, "Won-Won!"

Ron turned a brilliant shade of crimson as students nearby in the Hufflepuff table laughed openly. Hermione joined in their amusement and this seemed to rile Ron up, because he leaned in to kiss Lavender 'very affectionately'.

Hermione picked up a sandwich and hurried out of the Hall, looking upset. Neville, who had been sitting opposite to her, glanced at Harry inquisitively. Harry grimaced in answer - he hated it when people asked him what was going on between Ron and Hermione. He couldn't effectively blame either of them in front of the others, so he contented himself with eating his breakfast, refusing to acknowledge the snogging couple beside him. He had a feeling it was going to be a long day.


Harry didn't see Hermione at all that day, other than during classes. Knowing her, Harry guessed she must be in the library. He left the common room, and Ron didn't even notice, wrapped up as he was with Lavender by the fire.

He found Hermione sitting alone in a corner of the library, with books and parchment sprawled out around her, looking like some sort of mad scientist.

"Where have you been all day?" whispered Harry as he took the seat opposite her, pushing away some of the parchments on the desk. They had to speak in whispers as Madam Pince, the librarian prowled the shelves nearby.

Hermione scowled but didn't raise her head to look at him, fully concentrating on her homework, "I couldn't possibly get anything done in the common room."

Harry understood plainly the implication, that she couldn't watch Ron and Lavender kissing all the time. He took out his Potions book and began his homework and the two lapsed into silence.

Harry was vaguely wondering why Sirius hadn't at least called him himself. True, Sirius always preferred for Harry to call him as he didn't want to intrude with his school schedule. And, they did usually talk only about once a week. He tried to reassure himself that he was getting unnecessarily worried over him. Sirius was a free man now and Harry should stop worrying about his godfather getting chucked into Azkaban like he had done so for the past two years. For all he knew, Sirius could be going to a pub for a night out and God knows he deserved it too. Harry couldn't possibly expect him to always be available at his beck and call.

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