13 - Birthday Surprises

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Sunday, July 21

Almost three whole weeks had passed since Harry, Sirius, and Remus came to live in the Potter Manor. It already felt so much more like a home than Privet Drive ever did and was infinitely more beautiful to wake up to. Even the July summer was rather cool and cheerful yellow daffodils stood outside the house, courtesy of Remus who had found gardening quite therapeutic. The greenhouse looked much better, its weeds having been removed and new plants having been potted.

Harry and Sirius spent time flying or playing games with Remus or practicing new spells. Harry was proud of the progress he was making and it made him even more satisfied when Sirius or Remus praised his efforts. But the third week of July ushered in disturbing news. There had been an attack on the muggle Junior Minister. Though there still hadn't been any attacks in the wizarding world, there was a dull sense of foreboding at the stalling game that Voldemort was playing.

Hedwig had brought him letters from both Hermione (who was holidaying in her grandmother's for the whole summer) and Ron, who had written quite a bit about Fleur Delacour, who was engaged to his older brother, Bill and was visiting them at the Burrow. Mrs. Weasley had passed along the message that he was invited to the Burrow whenever he wanted to. Though Harry was touched by her kindness, he graciously declined. He wanted to spend as much time with Sirius as was possible. They had fifteen years to catch up on anyway.

So it was quite a surprise when during lunch that Sirius announced they were going on a holiday of their own.

"You mean like a vacation?" asked Harry, bewildered. He had never been on a holiday before.

"Yup. I figured a week's getaway to the south of France would be your birthday present this year," said Sirius, grinning.

Harry's mouth fell open. A vacation as a birthday present? Even Dudley had never gotten something as big as that for his birthday.

Remus cut through the fog in his head. "Is it safe, Sirius? And does Dumbledore know about it?"

"It's totally safe!" said Sirius, dismissively waving his hand. "We'll be out of the country and Harry will be with me! And no, I didn't plan on telling Dumbledore about it."

Remus gave a long-suffering look. "Sirius, you cannot possibly-"

"Come on, Remus! Harry deserves to live a little. What good would it be if he stays cooped up like this? And till when? Till Voldemort is gone? That could be forever!"

"But Harry will be safe! Isn't that more important?" said Remus.

"You sound like Dumbledore now. Harry was mighty safe with the Dursleys. But was that good for Harry?" said Sirius, cuttingly.

Remus replied politely but firmly, "No, but this is different! This is intentionally-"

Harry was watching both of them argue, still with his mouth slightly agape.

Sirius spoke over him. "And besides, we'll be travelling the muggle flying way! There will be no chance of Voldemort coming at us, then."

Harry finally found his voice. "We'll be going by aeroplane?"

Sirius grinned excitedly. "Yes! I found this travel thingamabob in the town when I went there last week-"

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