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"So he stole this from you?" I look at the huge diamond ring that's on my ring finger. He put it on me, as a joke but I could tell from his loving eye's that in some ways, he meant it. It's the Stone family heirloom and today he has finally decided to tell me about his sneaking around.

"Yeah, he's a sick bastard that was obsessed with my mother. He wanted to take something of hers that was precious to her."

"But how did she know, like he was obsessed?" I ask curiously.

"She accidentally went into the wrong room in his mansion, when she was looking for the bathroom. What she saw shocked her to her core, she found a shrine covered with pictures of her."

"Oh my god!" I cover my mouth with my hands."That's must have been so freaking terrifying for her."

"Yeah, she was scared, she went home and told my father and he called the cops. My father knew he had it, he needed that ring back. It's not just a ring, Isla. It is a legacy of the Stone family, it was given by the first Stone family member that came here and got married. He decided to pass it on to his eldest son and since then its been passed through generations, to carry on the Stone name in some ways."

"So that means you were next in line," I gaze into his dreamy eyes.

"Yeah, someday I am going to give it to the girl I love, and I'm going to marry her in the family church."

"Sounds romantic," I say while nudging him.

He laughs out loud, with a huge smile on his face. I have noticed he can't stop smiling around me, he always has a twinkle in his dashing blue eyes.

"I will invite you. . if you want to come?" He takes me in his arms, it's so warm and comforting. I lay my head on his chest and he chuckles.

"Well, don't make me sit on the kids' table, I would hate that."

"You'll be sitting next to me," he sighs happily.

"What?" I push him off and gape at him."I am going to be a Stone?" He doesn't answer but shuts me up with a kiss. He keeps on kissing me, giving me short sweet kisses before I can say anything. I smirk as I kiss him back, then he gives me a big smooch on the lips. MWAAA! He chuckles when he lets me go. I smile as he intently gazes at me. His blue eyes are so warm and filled with love, he looks lovesick.

"Isla, you have been the most annoying guest ever!!" He exaggerates," but I have loved your company, you are amazing and best thing that's happened to me this summer." Awww, my heart melts, he so sweet. I feel it too, I am starting to fall for this troublemaker and now I am going to miss him dearly.

"I know you're going to leave today," he sighs sadly."It's going to be hard."I will miss you so much, dumpling. You are the reason that I kind of woke up every morning, so just so I can see you." Awwwww, my heart goes out to him. He' looks like a lost puppy, standing there, all venerable with his bottom pout sticking out. I hug him and he squeezes me tight. "I am going to miss you, you little fireball."He keeps me in his arms, so dearly, like he's going to lose me if he lets me go.

"You know, coming here was the worst thing for me," I mumble in his chest. "We are not that bad, Angel." He scoffs a laugh.Typical Dash thinks the Stone family are so likable.

"But I never thought I will leave with so much love and new friendships and an outrageous experience of a lifetime. You're the best thing that's happened to me this summer too, Dash." I repeat his words as I look up into his bright eyes, the guy can't stop smiling. He hasn't specifically said he loves me yet, which is good. I think it be great if we are both on the same page. I have started to fall for him, but it's early days.

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