Mirror Mirror

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I rolled on my skateboard for an hour, on the ramps that I build in our long acre of land. Skating is something I love to do; it's the only time I get to myself. I guess It's great when I am stressed out, or even pissed off. It gets me away from things and my damn thoughts.

Yesterday, I didn't see her much, except for lunch and dinner. She kind of has been avoiding me like the plague. I get it, I scared her, but it was a joke. She needs to get over it quick because I actually don't like this feeling, that she hates me. It fucking hurts.

Today's the weekend so my brothers are at home. We all work together at out our exclusive family country club and spa resort. I manage the place, and I love it. It's a great job which I enjoy and love, also I get to boss people around all day. The clients that we receive or come through the door, are usually rich or V.I.P guests, who just want to take a break from their hectic lives.

I pick up my board and head back to the house. When I get to the pool, I see Josh doing laps. This kid loves water, that's the only sport he likes. Then I see a drone whiz past me. Whoa, I stumble back. "Nash, control that damn thing!" I chuckle.

"I am!" He laughs. I swear he's broken so many of those drones. You would think he be expert by now, with the amount he's bought. But no, he's useless. I walk through the double doors and head straight for the kitchen. The smell of pizza wafts in the air when I walk in. I see Ash, munching away while he's reading his comics on his I pad. He loves his Pizza, the cheesier the better in his perspective. I take a seat opposite him and grab a slice.

"Where is she?" I ask, taking a bite.

"I actually don't know," he looks up from his I pad.

"What do you mean?" I knit my brows.

"She was talking to Nash the last time I saw her," he shrugs.

"Yeah, she was." Nash steps into the room with his drone.

"Great! Now I have to find her before she breaks something." I shake my head, with a worried look on my face. Ash laughs under his breath, as he gulps down the Pepsi bottle. I put the pizza slice down, and start looking for her.

"Isla?" I walk into the foyer.

"ISLA!" My voice echoes in the large foyer now. No answer, I look around she's nowhere.

"Argh," I grunt furiously, now I have to physically find her and I can't be asked. I am about to stomp up the stairs, when a loud shattering noise, halts me.

"What the fuck was that?" I snap my head around.

"What the hell did she break now?" I clench my fist. I don't even want to think about it, I dash down the hallway towards the sound of her voice, just praying it's not worth millions. When I bolt into the library I see her, she is surrounded by broken glass. She gulps in fear when see's my angry scowl. I notice the golden frame on the floor next to her and I literally lose it.

"Dammit Isla!" I clench my jaw hard, getting mad. "What hell did you do? That was a fucking antique!!!"I bark at her.

"I didn't do anything!" She shouts back, stamping her black boots on the glass.

"You didn't do anything?" I scoff at her. "What's that then, huh?" I look over the shattered pieces.

"It wasn't me." She looks around the scattered pieces of glass.

"I don't believe you; you did this on purpose, Isla." I barge up to her.

"No," she shakes her head, looking at me dead serious in the eyes.

"Then how did it drop, eh?" I grab her arm and make her face me.

"I just wanted to see it." She looks up at me with innocent eyes.

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