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Knock Knock

"Come in," I say in a groggy tone. The door opens and I am pleasantly surprised by all four of them, holding a bouquet of flowers." Morning," they all greet me cheerfully, with their bed hair, and sleepy eyes.

"Morning," I reply, as I look at the bouquets, which they place on the floor. I see them leave than they come back with more. "What is going on here?" I can't stop smiling as they keep bringing more and more. By the time they are done, the room's filled with flowers. I can see roses, tulips, carnations, orchids, lilies and many more. It's like they have bought the whole shop, the fragrance scent is so sweet and refreshing. They all leave the room then, preparing for my breakfast, apparently. What a way to start the day I am thinking. I feel happy already, that was such a sweet nice gesture.

I grab a towel and my clothes and leave the room for a quick shower. While I am showering, I think about what they did yesterday, it was funny and sweet how he remembered about the Doritos. But today, he's definitely upped his game. Once I am done I get changed, dry my hair and head downstairs. I am starving, I wonder what they made for me? When I walk into the kitchen I am gobsmacked. "Wow!" There's a whole breakfast table laid out just for me. When I notice them, they are all standing, with huge grins on their faces, eagerly waiting for me by the look it.

"What do you think?" Dash comes over taking my hand, caressing it with his thumb. His little gesture makes my heart flutter. "It's amazing, I don't know what to say," I answer. My mouth waters as I look over the food that's laid out in front of me. He pulls a chair out and makes me sit than they all sit and we start eating.

"Thank you so much for the flowers, by the way." They don't say anything, just smile at me, usually, they would tease me, it's different to see them so calm and just nice and not rowdy and annoying. While we're eating, they ask me about my life, and how I have been coping all alone. I am surprised they know so much about me, especially Dash. He knows my favorite colors purple, he even told me he colored the room pink just to piss me off. That's so typical of him.

20 minutes later

"I can't eat anymore," I sigh, taking a deep breath. I push the plate away from me, too full to move. They all smirk at me, as they get up to clean the dishes. "Do you guys want any help?" I say, they never let me help though.

"Nah, we're good." Dash gives me a peck on the cheeks, making me blush. He's about to say something, but he doesn't'. I realized he's kissed me a few times on the cheek, soon it be on my lips. I get up to leave before I start blushing more. I leave the room, with him on my mind, he still got that shirt on, which is kind of cute.

I head straight for the game room and when I enter, I get the biggest surprise ever, like literally. "What the shit?!!" I cover my mouth, as my eyes go surprisingly wide."OH MY GOD!"There's a ginormous giant teddy bear, sitting in the game room!! I squeal excitedly. On his fat tummy there is a heart that says: LOVE ME, ISLA! Awww, my heart melts. "Of course I am going to love you," I say in a baby tone, while I bounce on him. I land right on his soft tummy, then I turn around on my back, and wrap his arms over mine, snuggling into him. Wow, he so comfy and cuddly. I am about to think of a name for him when I hear a chuckle.

"I guess you found Mr. Snuggles." I see Josh smirking at me. "Yeah," I smile with glee. "Come on join me," I gesture to him. He doesn't even hesitate, he jumps right on him, I open one arm, and he sits with me, as we both snuggle together.

"Was this your idea?" I ask him. "Errm, not really, it was all of us. We all want you to be happy, Isla and we do care about you. I might not show it much, but I do too." He gives me a sincere look. "I'm sorry if I was being a jerk to you, can you forgive me?" He looks at me with his sad beautiful eyes. Aww, he looks so sad, with his cute face. "I forgive you," I give him a hug and he hugs me back. We chat for a while and laugh, then I leave the room, and I see Ash bouncing his basketball. He sees me and he smiles." How are you feeling?" He asks me while taking the ball in his hand.

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