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These guys are horrible. 24 days feels like an eternity in hell here. I tried my attempts at running, even the gate plan didn't work. I can't win, they are all going to keep me here until these days are done, especially Dash. I fucking hate him and his menacing evil ways. He's fucked up and so are his brothers, I groan feeling angry and helpless.

I have seen what these guys do now on day to day bases, it's fucked up and sick. They all are a bunch of cold-hearted criminals who sit on their prestigious entitled thrown, and take advantage of their power and money. They have no remorse and I am sick of their bullshit and violent behaviour.

Sunset Falls was discovered and built by their family and they have been ruling it since by the look of it. Everyone in this town either loves them or hates them. I think it's out of fear, and how they fucking behave, they have control over most of the businesses and buildings which I found out recently. I mean, with their wealth they can buy anything. Spoiled brats, living off their generation's wealth, I kick the wall furiously, as my blood boils.

"Motherfuckers!!!" I scream in outrage. "Shit, what did I just say?" I just realize.

"Opz, sorry Mrs. Stone." I apologize, covering my mouth, she was a lovely lady, with Assholes like sons.

"ISLA!" I can hear Dash calling me now. I ignore him.

"ISLA!" Nash shouts now.

"ISLAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Ash yells my name.

Will see if they can find me here, I laugh under my breath. They are frantically running around like maniacs, by the sound of their footsteps, cussing and shouting as they all are searching for me. I sit up crossing my legs. This room is so small, then it would be, it is a closet. I look around the empty room, with only a window on top, ignoring their desperate cries as they call out to me.

"ISLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" I hear Dash yell for me again. He sounds petrified, by the way he's calling my name, my stomach jerks and I scoff a laugh. "Go on, I thought you liked playing hide and seek.." I smile to myself, knowing well that he's sweating and shitting himself. This actually feels good, I will give it a possibly another 2 hours, just to make them sweat little more, I giggle knowing I am safe and away from their sight.

2 hours later

I feel hungry now, and I am thirsty in this heat. I get up and walk out the small closet, it's awfully quiet here, and then they never use the left wing unless it's for guests. I head down the hall and take a right then a left to where their rooms are. Assholes are all downstairs by the look of it, I can't hear any sounds from their rooms. I head downstairs for the kitchen. When I reach the kitchen, I see all four of them standing anxiously, and looking stressed out. A smile peaks on my lips, they deserve it. All four of them notice me and their expressions are a mixture of anger, delight, and sorrow.

"YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY!! Dash rages at me, stalking up to me with an angry scowl on his face.

"YEAH, I THINK IT IS!!" I answer back. The all surround me, looking mad as ever. When I look back at Dash, he takes a deep breath, clenching his jaw like he's about to explode.

"What? Getting angry are we?" I tilt my head, narrowing my eyes at him. I'm so fucking mad at him.

"Well, what do you expect, Isla? I THOUGHT I LOST YOU OR YOU WERE HURT!!" He bellows at me with a pained look on his face.

"How can you do this to us? We were worried sick about you, bubbles!" Ash frets, with his dark eyes wide with concern.

"Yeah, Josh agrees. I went out and searched this whole damn house for you!" He adds, with the sound of panic in his voice.

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