“Stop arguing with me and go get ready.”


            “Are you really going to be stubborn about this?”


            “You’re better than any of them will ever be, you did what you had too, now don’t let them be the reason you miss out on your education! Show them how strong I know you are.”

            “You don’t know me.”


            “FINE!” I slammed the door and stomped up the stairs. I decided to make him wait so I got into the shower. Once I was out I found a mint green sweater and pulled it on, it was still a bit loose on my empty figure but it was ok, I then pulled on some skinny jeans on my converse trainers. I dried my hair and then shoved it up into a bun. I did my make-up, then grabbed my back and went down the stairs, re-opened the door and walked out, locking the house up behind me.

            “I like your sweater.”  He said as he followed me to his car. 

            “Shut up.” I climbed into the passenger side and he was in the drivers in seconds. “I hope you drive like a normal person.”

            “Yes.” He sighed as he started up the car.

            “Why do you care so much if I go to school or not? It’s not as if my life is going anywhere, I will be in this little town for the rest of my life being the same old boring person I have always been underneath the fake preppy bitch I was.” I looked down at my hands, I used to be like Pixie, why? I mean, I’d always thought I was quite nice but not if I was like that.

            “You will never be boring Sky, if only you could see.”

            “See what? The girl who was the biggest bitch around, then he life came crashing down and she turned into a pathetic nothing, a stripper, the lowest of the lows.”

            “You don’t think that, otherwise you wouldn’t have been one.”

            “No, I don’t, others do. But I was at my lowest point. Now what am I? I have nothing.”

            “You really don’t see do you?”

            “SEE WHAT?!” I looked up at him, annoyed.

            “You’re beautiful Sky, everybody looks up to you!”

            “No they don’t.”

            “There’s girls in school who cut themselves, who are so depressed, they look at you and admire how strong you’ve been.”

            “How do you know?” I questioned, he simply tapped his ear.

            “George is your friend. Do you really need any more than that? Do you really want all those fake friends? Do you want to go back to being a popular ‘bitch’?”


            “Sky, if only you knew. You will never be boring or ordinary. Never.” He shook his head slightly in disbelief I think. I looked at him, he really was beautiful. His face was shaped perfectly. His eyes though, oh his eyes… then I saw the image of him as a vampire. I shook the thought away and looked down.

The car engine stopped, I looked up and we were in the school car park, nobody was around but we were late so I didn’t really expect there to be anyone around. David undid his seatbelt and turned to me, he put his hand on my leg, I stared at it.

“Just keep your head high, don’t let them see you cry, no matter how much you want too.” His voice was calm, comforting.

“People will stare.”

“People will always stare Sky. Just keep to yourself and know that I’m here. I’m sure George is too.”

            “You don’t know George.”

            “I know he cares for you. I can tell.”

            “Not like that.”

            “Maybe not, maybe more like a sister, but all the same.”

            “Why does anyone care? Nobody really cares, they’re all just curious.” I mumbled. His hands went to my face and made me look at him, you’d think I’d be scared but I wasn’t, my heart didn’t even race, well, not out of fear anyway.

            “Listen to me Sky please, listen to everything I have told you. Even if it is just George and I who care you don’t need anybody else. Maybe they’re curious but I’m not. I care. That is something I haven’t felt in a long long time Sky. I look at you and I see a strong girl who doesn’t deserve everything she’s been put through. She deserves to be spoilt, to want for nothing, to have security, to feel safe!”

            “But if I had continued living like that I wouldn’t be the person I am today.”

            “No. All of us are nothing without a past, our past is what makes us. Yours has made a strong person, and definitely not boring.”

“What’s in your past?” As soon as I asked the questioned he began shutting down, his face turned emotionless and his hands dropped.

 “We have to look to the future.”

            “What do you see in your future?”

            “Not now Sky. This is about you.”

            “Not now? Well I’m done with listening to you tell me crap about how I’m strong, its rubbish, and I don’t want to hear it, not now.” I was angry now, I got out of the car and slammed the door. Although I knew it was what I needed to hear I just wanted to shut him down, shut him out. Why had I let him see so many emotions.

            “SKY!” He called after me as I stormed into the school. I turned sharply, my hair flying everywhere.

            “YOU DON’T CARE, YOU’RE JUST CURIOUS!” I yelled before storming into the school to my lesson, full of rage.

People did stare, and stare, and stare. They talked too. I kept my head down and put up with it. At lunch George and I had a conversation, but it was a brief one as he began asking about what I was going to do now for money, I’d gotten up and stormed out, which in hindsight probably wasn’t the best thing to do but he had sounded so judgmental and I don’t want that. I judge myself enough, playing my problems over and over in my head resulting in more stress. Every time David tried to approach me I ignored him. I ignored Nathan and his smug remarks too. However, I made it through the day. Once at home I locked the doors and just went to bed, if I’m awake I’m hungry, I have no food therefore sleep it the best option. I drifted in and out of sleep, in and out of dreams ALL involving David

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