Road trip III

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Isis's Pov:

Can I describe it in words?

Not really.

There have been many times when I have experienced a near kiss with the guys I was dating. But everytime I would stop, repulsed by their perfume or hair gel or even their eye colour.
For whatever reason I haven't gotten near a guy's lips for 18 years.

So what caused me to do this?

I don't know really. Maybe I was feeling alone, or maybe I liked his smell or maybe I just wanted to be with someone at that moment.

But whatever the reason was, it happened.
I felt like it's my first day of high school, it was exciting yet terrifing. My stomach quenched and my breathing stopped. Even the smallest of movements felt like eternity.

It's an emotion I don't want to let go, never.

Can we stay like this forever?

My eyes jolt open on that thought and I stand up avoiding his eyes.

'I'll be downstairs'

I quickly file out of the room never looking back. I couldn't look back, I commited a big mistake.


Beads of sweat trickle down my forehead as I smile to the stranger dancing with me.
My legs ache from dancing and I'm pretty sure I smell like alcohol and sweat, not a good mixture.

He says in a husky voice, eyes glazed over 'Never thought I could get the opportunity to dance with you'

Me too dude, me too.

He grabs my waist and gets closer. It's a very romantic position. I might even consider dating him but the thing is his cologne makes me want to throw up. Who in the hell convinces them that girls like these?
Vin doesn't have this much of a repulsive scent. I once saw a bottle of sandal wood perfume on his desk, I guess that's the only thing he applies. But it smells nice, almost seductive.

'What are you thinking?'

'Nothing' I slightly push away his face which was dangerously close to mine.

He glances towards the crowd of people surrounding us and whispers into my ear 'You wanna go upstairs?'

Okay now he's getting clingy, time to let go.

I drop my smile and unwrap his hands from my waist 'Later'

'You mean you will go later?'

'No, I mean stay in your standard' I point towards the ground.

I push around the crowd to reach my table and grab the first drink I see.
He's just the heir of blue star company, which isn't even successful yet. And yet he has the nerve to speak to me like that? Disgusting.

I wouldn't even have danced with him if I was in my right mind.

I haven't seen Vin since then, nor can I find Ernest. And I don't want to know what the others are doing.

Ugh, why did I have to ruin the night by kissing him?! Why? Why? Why?

I take another long sip from the suspicious looking bottle. It helps me calm down my thoughts.

When I had my first boyfriend in my freshman year of highschool, Levi was really angry at me. No, not because I had a boyfriend but because I didn't treat him right.
When I dumped him after a week, it didn't take Levi long to understand that I used him.
He said 'You can't just make a boyfriend when you are upset and leave him when you're done. You're hurting him. That's a mistake, a very big mistake'

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