Road Trip II

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You were my cup of tea but I drink champagne now.


Isis's pov:

I block the sunlight falling into my face, that's the disadvantage of sleeping outside.

The sheets smell like lemons. It's been a long time since I had a lemonade. Fresh lemon juice and waffle sounds good.

Now I'm hungry.

Last night I fell asleep talking to Vin about how much of a poor life I have. Can't believe I said that.

But did we both sleep here together? I don't remember.

I walk inside the house to find Cass, Jake and Vin sitting on the couch waiting for everyone.

'Where did you go?' Cass asks.

Since I came in through the front door she thinks I went out for something. It's good that I have dumb friends.

'Just around' Vin avoids my eyes.

Cass pushes me towards the room I was supposed to sleep at last night.
'Go get changed we will be leaving after about 20 minutes'

I open the bedroom door and find Ernest talking on the phone. He hangs up after seeing me.

'Good morning'

'Morning' I reply like a zombie, probably look like that too.

'You slept outside last night?'

'Yeah, how did you know?' Does that question make me sound dumb too?

I pull out my bag and look at my options of clothing.

'I actually get up pretty early'


What should I wear? Hmm maybe a jean skirt, tube top and a striped button down over it. Yeah I should go for it.

Just as I was going to go inside the bathroom Ernest stops me 'Can I ask you something?'

I turn around to face him 'What?'

He switches from his left leg to right 'Did I do something wrong? I mean....I didn't make you uncomfortable last night did I?'

I shake my head 'No, not at all. Why?'

'It's just you slept outside last night...'
He trails off not knowing how to continue. But I know where he was going with this.

'It has nothing to do with you. I just feel asleep talking to Vin' I lie. It had everything to do with him, I didn't want to sleep in the same bed with someone who actually had feelings for me.
I know he wouldn't have done anything strange but with the drunk dudes next door and a guy in my bed I preferred sleeping outside with Vin.

I have known Vin for years. Even if all I did was bully him, I have got to trust him more.
Yeah that's what I tell myself.

After Ernest goes out to give me some privacy, I recap all the things that happened last night while showering.
And for some reason the constant tingling feeling in my stomach won't stop.

Not wasting any more time I get changed quickly and head out locking the door. We can deal with my feelings later.

The guys were already up and ready by the door, seems like I am the only one left.

'Lets go kids, hurry! We have to reach in time' Garry, Mark's partner says while ushering us out of the door.

Once again we are taken back to the rundown truck. It's really filthy but this is the last option we have.

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