Chapter 16: Raging Bulls

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Along the way these voices inside my head became familiar.


Vinceres POV:

The temperature seemed to drop some degrees. I could hear the wind hitting the dirty window which looked like it had not been opened for years. Mrs Bucklewheat adjusts her glasses on her nose with her calloused hands and the rusty chair creaks under her movement. 'Thanks for returning Chrissy to us' and then she just returns to studying the paper in her hands.

The room once again falls into complete silence but this silence is different, its more like the silence before a storm or the silence before Isis attacks. I notice that Chrissy is unusually quiet and afraid in this place. It saddens me to think that this small child have gone through so much in just three years of her life.

Isis slams her hand on the table with force which scares Chrissy a bit, she clings onto me more tightly. But this successfully gets Mrs Bucklewheat's attention.

'You think this is all a joke Bucklewheat?' Isis whispers in a low voice, I can already feel the dark vibes from here. But still, Mrs Bucklewheat was standing strong on her words, I wish I can have even half of her strength. For a lady her age she sure can handle Isis Silvestri, I have never seen her this angry before.

Upon observing her silence Isis suddenly closes her eyes and brings her hand to her forehead. Looking at her tense posture David quickly steps forward 'Mrs Bucklewheat I suggest you apologise quickly if you want to be alive and out of jail for this life. Do you even know who you are talking to? She is the heir of the top fashion company, A-Line, does modelling when she gets bored and has a hobby for creating chaos'

David has a funny way of explaining things but Mrs Bucklewheat catches onto the company's name. She quickly gets up from her chair and rushes beside a furious Isis. 'Oh! Ma'am I didn't know a person like you would visit our orphanage! Please let's talk comfortably, this office must be too suffocating for you'

Her 360 degree turn is kind of funny to watch but I don't think Isis is that good of a person to leave her off the hook just because she sucked up to her.

Isis lifts her head and laughs.

Not the kind of happy or sad laugh, her laugh is able to send chills go down your body, I already have goosebumps all over my arms.

She tsks three times in a malicious voice 'Too bad Bucklewheat, I am not here to talk to you comfortably'

'A-alright then, I will sign up Chrissy to you this instant, you can take her' She desperately tries to find the solution but Isis was not having it.

She gets up from the chair and walks up to the glass cupboard in the corner of the room. All the eyes follow her but David stays busy rummaging through his suitcase which he brought along, looks like it's just an everyday situation for him.

Isis picks up a certificate kept in the cupboard with the help of the handkerchief, she studies the certificate quietly.

Mrs Bucklewheat becomes anxious with every minute passing, even Chrissy was waiting for Isis to do something. At last Isis opens her mouth and says in a mischievous voice 'Child trafficking, smuggling, abuse, cheating with the governments money, connections with the black market, where's the certificate for those?' She turns around and faces a sweating Mrs Bucklewheat with a smug face.

Mrs Bucklewheat turns white with fear 'W-what do you mean?' Even I didn't know about this.

David brings out some papers which he has been going though 'Don't even try to deny it we have the written documents confessing to your crimes' when did she even have the time to do all this? Did she get it done in just one night? Wow money really has power!

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