Chapter 23: Someone Has A Crush On Vin

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If our life was a story I would edit the last part and write us a happy ending.


The evening went by faster than I expected. Vin went home early sensing the tension in the air.
Cass and Archer kept asking me if I was okay and I kept repeating that I was fine.

Maybe I was not fine, but I was not hurt either. I was not hearing those words for the first time, it was no surprise to me.
But even though I heard those words a thousand times, I still couldn't get used to it. But I had to. I have to keep it all in for Chrissy, after all it was a special day for us.

It has been 15 minutes since they all left. I pick up my phone and dial a number
'Hello?' the person on the other side answers.

'I want you to do something for me...'


The next morning I wake up earlier than usual and get ready for school.

I race towards the kitchen and grab an apple. Cass always pesters me about having breakfast.

'Why are you up so early?' David asks.

'Nothing, just going to school. Tell Chrissy I said good morning' I walk towards my car in a hurry.
It's gonna be an interesting day.

After some agonising minutes I reach school and text Archer and Cass to meet me at my parking lot.

'Why are you here so early?' Archer asks.

'You all didn't check your email, did you?' I ask.

'Why? what's in there?' they both take out their phones and open their emails.
On seeing the picture they give me the exact reaction I wanted.

'You did what?!' Archer laughs.

It was a picture of Natalie's diary. On the last page she had scribbled hers and Vin's name with hearts around it like a little girl.

Cass chuckles 'Do you think everyone in the school already got it?'

I stare into the crowd forming around  Jane, a cheerleader friend of Cass 'I think it did. Let's go stand near my locker, Natalie will know where to find me'

'You want her to find you?' Cass questions 'You do realise she would be very angry at you?' 

'Of course, why else would I do this?' we stand near my locker.
The students passing by were giving me long glances and giggling among themselves.

I notice a mop of brown hair moving through the crowd hurrying towards us.
Natalie stops in front of us, out of breath and her phone in her hand.
'Did you do this?!' she points the screen towards me.

'What if I did?'

'You b-' she lunges towards me but Archer stops her 'Woah Nat, back off'

I scoff at her 'What are you? A toddler? Do you still draw hearts around your crush?!'

'Shut up!!!' she seethes at me.

'I didn't know you were this sneaky! You just joined school, did you fall in love with him in just one day? Unbelievable!' I smirk.

I turn around on hearing Vin's voice '...did you do this?' opposite to Natalie he had a neutral expression on his face.

'Why Vece? Are you not happy? Someone has a crush on you. She even drew you hearts' I point towards it.

'Stop this' he whispers.

'Why should I? It's fun'
He glances around all the people in the crowd and just turns around and leaves. He always does that, nothing new.

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