Chapter 1 : She Likes A Guy!

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Pick 5 people in random.

Ask them the meaning of love.

Every person will have a different explanation. I came to this realization after 17 years of comparing other people's love stories to mine. And at last I knew that my story will not be similar to a movie script or my best friend's story.
Everyone has their own meaning of love.

And I had too.

After that I stopped looking for a prince charming because my life was not perfect like those movies and I was no princess.

-Isis Silvestri


'Isy, you are spacing out again. Please come back from hell!!!' my best friend shouts near my ear and I come back from the so called hell and narrow my eyes at my best friend.

'How many times have I told you not to call me Isy it sounds horrible'

'Your best friend is dying here and you are fussing about your name?!!! I wonder if you will even cry at my funeral!' my dramatic best friend gasps attracting the attention of a few passerbys.

'You are not dying, he is just a boy who rejected you. Get over it' I sigh looking at her.

'He is the first boy to ever reject me! And of course you won't understand you don't do love' she sniffs pushing her rainbow hair behind her ears.

'Cass, are you serious?! Why are you so hung up on a guy? And what's this bullshit about love?!!' I exclaim looking at her. She sniffs again.

I pull her aside and make my way to the front doors. This is not the first time I ditched anyway, I can find my way out.


We both sit down at our regular table at Marys café and I immediately start shooting telepathic signals to my best friend to spill everything because my temper was rising every second at the thought of her falling in love with a loser and god forbid crying over him.

This was NOT my best friend. My best friend didn't do love nor can she ever cry over a boy. Heck no boy ever rejected her! With her dyed rainbow hair and brown eyes she has a killer look.

I am sure that my best friend was abducted by aliens and this was her clone.

'Look..' she starts 'I don't love him...' I sighed in relief 

'...But I think...I might....kinda like him?' she looks at me with unsure eyes.

I stare at her for some seconds and close my eyes. Deep breaths. In and out.

So let me get my points straight:

1. My best friend likes a guy.

2. My best friend who promised to be single with me our whole life, likes a guy.

3. My best friend who can get any boy to date her, likes a guy.

4. My best friend who likes to change boyfriends like clothes, likes a guy.


'What!!!' I shout. And this was not those squeaky I-am-so-happy-for-you emotion it was Wtf-you-were-not-suppose-to-do-that emotion.

Now, I know I'm overexagerating but this is as unusual as a blue moon.

' just happened ok? It was know I am used to guys following me but he was different. He didn't even like me and I started to wonder why and he then agreed to go on a date with me and I thought I will get over this feeling after the date increased eventually. And now I have messed it up because he thinks I'm kind of a player and I can't maintain a steady relationship. And now he is gone' She sighs

'...I am sorry I didn't mean to but you know feelings just happen and you will know someday when you meet your prince charming' What does she mean by Prince Charming?! '...And I understand if you are not willing to help me...but it's okay I can manage'

She looks sad, very sad and I haven't seen her this upset for a very long time. I was afraid of this moment, the moment she was not supposed to fall in love. Even if I accept it, they won't.

I guess what's meant to be will be. Right?

Taking a last look at her face and flushing all my morals down the drain, I sigh 'Who is the dipshit who dares to reject you?'

Her face lights up 'What really? You are gonna do that for me? Loveeeee you! I knew you-'

I hold my hand up to stop her 'Ok stop it I didn't say I am okay with this love thing though. Tell me his name and the necessary details and I will decide whether I will give him a slow death or a painful one."

'No please...' She whines 'You can't do that!'

I take a deep breath.

In my sincerest voice I try telling her,"You know I love you and I will take a bullet for you if I have too, even if it would hurt like tarterus, and you do understand I am looking out for you'
Why do I sound like a mom?

She opens her mouth to interrupt but I stop her and continue 'But you are my best friend and if you love someone then it is my duty to support you and if he makes you happy then I am happy, I guess'

I give her a genuine smile and she pulls me up and hugs me tight with tears in her eyes.

Sitting there and listening to my best friend rant I knew that I was thoroughly and utterly screwed.


Dear readers,

I am incredibly grateful for you to choose to read my book. Comment to your hearts content otherwise I won't know whether I am doing it right. 

I will try my best to publish more.

Motorcycles and empty roads,


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