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The boys had a bit of healthy competition going on as they tried to fish. After depositing Gini back on the river bank, he'd rode out with them. They had worms ready for the fishes but he couldn't touch the wriggling animals without thinking of puking in his mouth.

Roman was casting net to fish while Gbenga and Femi were using fishing rods. Collins took Juwon's approach and watched as the others worked. None of the boys could fish and it was obvious by their rookie attempts that they weren't going to catch any fish. The fishing activity was just something they wanted to do for doing sake.

Gbenga passed bottles of beer around and Juwon thought about drinking it. He held the bottle for a while and put it back in the cooler when it became warm.

"Is any of you interested in my assistant?"

"Is she single?" Roman asked.

"Yea, do you like her?"

"No, I like them wild."

He grimaced. "Should have known."


"I'm in an off and on relationship. Her mom doesn't like my job though."

"Sorry about that. Gbenga?"

"I like men."

"Since when?"

"Since forever."

"We didn't know that." Juwon looked at Collins and put two and two together. "Are you two together?"

Gbenga looked at Collins. "Eww, he's like my brother. That'd be incest."

"Except we are not actually related," Collins said.

Juwon watched Collins and couldn't read his expression. One of the rod twitched and everyone stood to go attend to it. Gbenga reeled it in and they all went back to their seat when they saw a tiny fish fighting for its escape. Juwon threw it back in the water when no one paid it attention.

"When are you opening the resort?"

"When it's finished and I don't know when that'd be," Juwon answered Gbenga's question.

Roman used a cap over his eyes and relaxed in his seat as the boat rocked lazily. Soon they heard a snore coming from him.

"This is so relaxing. The fresh air from the water is just revitalizing," Femi said before jumping into the river.

Juwon went for a shot of tequila when Collins brought out a camera to start taking pictures. It was nice having his friends around, they were all having fun in each other's company without really doing much. He soon mimicked Roman's position and dozed off too. By the time he woke, the boys had all their fishing gears packed with no fish in sight. He already knew they were going to tell the waiting party some lie to make them seem brave and outdoorsy.

When they got back to where Gini and Muna were waiting, they saw both ladies sleeping. Juwon tickled Gini and she slapped his hands away as she woke, he kicked Muna softly on the foot and she jumped up.

"We had mad fun," he began. "Roman caught a very large fish but we begged him to throw it back into the river."

"That's...nice?" Gini said.

"So no fish from the fishing crew?" Muna summarized.

"Another time," he answered with a forlorn expression.

They packed up and drove home. Gini went to the bedroom immediately they got home and resumed her nap. Juwon watched TV with his friends for few hours after they had lunch. Collins suggested that they go to a bar and he went up to the bedroom to tell Gini to get ready.

"Birdie," he called to get her attention when he saw her pressing her phone in bed.

She yawned and dropped her phone. "I had a nice nap, you should have joined me."

"I slept on the boat."

"While fishing?"

"Yea. The boys don't know how to fish actually, we just did it for fun and I lied about that fish we let go."

Gini laughed and held her side. "We caught the biggest fish in the whole wide world but let it go because we begged begged Roman," she teased.

"You are an asshole, birdie." he laughed as well.

She gave a peace sign and he ruffled her hair. Gini slapped his hand off and ruffled his low cut.

"The boys want to go to a bar, care to join us?"

"Yup, I'll get dressed."

"What are you wearing? Can it be something that won't stop my hands from sliding over your thighs?"

"No, you just called me an asshole."

"I'm actually the asshole."

Gini laughed and danced to the bathroom. Juwon left the room and returned to find her in a cute jeans gown that stopped below her butt cheek.

"Okay, I know what I said but isn't this too short?"

"I could take it off and wear a pair of jeans." Gini went to her carry-on and started digging.

"Uhm no, I think this is actually okay." He hated the gown but didn't want her in trousers. "I'll get dressed."

"I'll be waiting downstairs."

Juwon took a fast shower and threw the towel to the floor after speedily drying off himself. He got a pair of faded jeans from his closet and wore a white top before covering it with a grey blazer. He carried his white pair of shoes with him downstairs and saw Gini sitting by herself. His friends were still not making any attempt to talk to Gini and he didn't know what to do about it. Collins on the other hand was sometimes beside her which was becoming irritating. Admittedly, it had only been about twice but he didn't like the idea of someone else besides himself keeping her company.

"Okay, guys. I'm ready!"

Roman stood from where he was seated, he was dressed sharply in jeans trousers and jeans jacket. "I'll drive the SUV, you can go with her."

He remained in the house with Gini while everyone left. "Do you want anything to eat before we leave?"

"No, I'm fine. Let's go have fun."

He took her hand and led her to the car. "Don't leave my side when we enter the club."


He looked at her thighs before driving out of the empty house. "The club we're heading to is at the mall."

"I don't mind but thanks for telling me."

He hoped she stayed true to her words when she saw how big the mall was. When they entered the shiny, three storey building, he looked over at Gini and she looked fine.

"It's so pretty. Why did dad ever try to compete? It's so above his league."

He kept mute and went around to open her door. He had forgotten to tell his friends not to say anything about him previously owning the mall. He couldn't count on them being discreet especially when he knew how much they didn't like her.

Gini held his arm as they entered the mall and took an escalator to the rooftop where the club was. His friends were already seated on a table for six and he waved as they saw him. He took Gini to a table at the back where the light was low then ordered some cocktails. He tapped his feet along to the boisterous song playing in the background while chewing on his lips.

Gini was really leaving the following day and he was starting to miss her. He had gotten attached to her again so fast. It was stupid but he couldn't help it. He took a sip of his drink and looked at her. She smiled and he trailed his finger over her face. He was scared that she'd go back to the city, to her family and friends and get back her security blanket. She'd probably not need him again.

"Are you always with your phone? I'll be calling a lot that's why I'm asking," he whispered into her ear.

"Sure. I'll be calling you a lot also," she whispered back.

"Does your sister know about us?"

She nodded and he smiled. He wanted to ask about the guy she used to sleep with but he didn't want to expose how insecure he was.

His friends and Muna came over to their table with drinks in their hands and he rolled his eyes. They should have just remained in their seat. He stood up and went to the bar to get water and Femi followed him. He had on a yellow durag this time and Juwon smiled and left him at the bar after getting the water. Gini was back in her shell as his friends sat across her seat. He had a feeling she was leaving town mainly because of them. They were staring at her like a museum exhibit and he grew annoyed at how bold they were with their negative feelings.

"Let's dance," he whispered into her ear and he saw her visibly relax as they left the table.

Juwon walked past the dance floor with Gini gripping his hand, he walked out of the bar and they took the elevator down.

"Where are you going?"

"It's your last day in town, I want you to be happy."

"I'm happy."

"My friends don't like you, you don't like them, so there's no point throwing you in outings that involves them."

"I don't want to take you away from them."

"I know that. Let's go home."

They had few hours left and he was going to spend them wisely. Juwon cuddled Gini when they got home and changed out of their clothes.

"I'm going to miss you," he said as he stared into her eyes. "Remember you are in a relationship, no more casual sex with you-know-who."

"I don't have to be told, I know the right thing to do."

He ruffled her hair just to be annoying and Gini slapped his hand away then wrestled him as he tried to ruffle it again. He gripped her waist as she tried to wrap her legs around him.

"You're a big baby," he said when she cursed. "I'll miss you so much, birdie."

"I'll miss you too."

He dusted light kisses over her face and wrapped his arms around her neck as she pressed herself against him. Their heartbeat matched and that was the closest he felt to heaven.

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