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Gini cuddled closer to Juwon as he napped. She was studying his handsome, thin face when she heard her name. She looked at his lips and didn't see them moving.

"Ginika!" She heard again and looked towards the door. Her father stood there looking at her with disappointment and anger clearly written all on his face.

Gini got out of bed in fear and her heart raced wildly as she thought of what was to come. He'd told her he would be coming home late. Why was he back so early? It was only evening.

"Ginika!!" he said again, this time with more force and she realized she was stark naked. She grabbed the closest thing her hand could touch and wrapped a blanket around herself. The process woke Juwon up and she looked at him as he looked from her to her father who was still rooted to the door.

"Run, run, run, run," she sobbed in warning as she clung to the material around her body.

Juwon didn't need to be told twice as he gathered his clothing scattered on the floor and ran towards the door. Her father moved closer to him with pure hatred in his heavy steps and tried to grab him, Juwon dodged his hands and made for the door. Gini gave a sigh of relief when he was out of harm's way, he couldn't survive her father's wrath.


"Yes, dad," she answered as he called menacingly. She trembled as he moved closer to her.

"You made him touch you. You had sex with him," he screamed out the accusations.

"No, dad." She sniffed as snot fell from her nose.

Father's fist connected with her face and she fell to the floor from the impact of the solid blow. She went blind for a moment before quickly standing up.

"You're still telling lies. I saw you naked in bed with a boy. You're only fourteen and you made him touch you."

"No, dad." Gini couldn't stop herself from denying the truth. She felt like she was in a terrible dream and the only way to get out was to keep denying it.

Another blow came and her head almost snapped from her neck. She winced in pain and cowered near the wall expecting another, but it never came. Her head was throbbing badly and snot and tears were now falling freely from her face.

"I'm calling the police. You will say he raped you."

"He didn't," she managed to say. Gini knew not to defy him but that was too much lie. Especially as she'd planned the whole thing.

She felt a slap land on her face and the blanket fell from her body as she held on to her face. It stung so badly and she closed her eyes as pain washed over her. Her father kept at it this time and she eventually lost count of the blows and slaps that connected to her face. When she saw her life flashed right in front of her eyes as a blow connected to her jaw, she gave in.

"Yes," she said softly then screamed, "Yes, he raped me."

Father left the room in satisfaction and she crawled to the bed. Her fingers were sore and almost broken from protecting her face and her ears were hot from the assault. She shivered slightly when her dad came into the room again.

"I'm going to the police station to bring the police. If you move an inch from this bed before I get back, I'll kill you."

"Yes, daddy."

"What will you tell them when they come?"

"Them?" she raised her head and looked into his dark, empty eyes.

"That he beat then raped you."

"Yes, sir," she whispered back in total submission with trembling lips that were now bruised and swollen.

He smiled then left the room. She sat obediently for few minutes after she heard his car leave the house. If he was going to get the police by himself, that only meant he wanted to give them a very cooked story. He was a very cunning and convincing man and with little effort anyone could believe every word coming out of his mouth. She couldn't back up the lies when the police arrived.

Her survival instincts kicked in a little while later and she ran to the wardrobe and started stuffing clothes into a luggage. She got all the tiny jewelry her dad gifted her on special occasions then grabbed a gown to wear. Gini dragged the luggage with her and ran towards the stairs, she paused and ran into her dad's room. There, she found more jewelry and went around the room looking for where he kept his cash.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she kept looking. She finally found an envelope under the mini fridge in his room and looked inside. There were several bails of money in there and she took every last note before running out of the house. She ran back in and got one of the keys to the several cars parked in the driveway.

She drove the fastest car which also happened to be the most expensive one out of the driveway and headed in an opposite direction from the one her dad took. She got her phone out and her hand trembled as she dialed her sister's number.

"Mama, he's going to kill me." She started sobbing again as her sister answered.

"What is it, Gini?" She asked and Gini could hear it in her voice that she was boring her. She most likely thought it was a prank of some sort.

"I'm serious," she screamed to get her attention. "He is going to kill me, I'm running away."

Her voice became serious. "What happened?"

"He caught me with"

"Gini, Gini, Gini. You know the kind of father you have and you still made such terrible mistake."

"Can you help me?"

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm driving out of town in one of his cars."

"Are you dumb? He's going to track you. Ditch the car right now and find a public transportation. I'll send you directions to my place only when you're out of that car."


Gini skidded to a stop and left the car in the middle of nowhere. She started running with her luggage and didn't mind that her head and face hurt. She couldn't think to much of the pain but when her feet started hurting also, she looked down and noticed she wasn't wearing any footwear. She looked behind her and could still see the car so she ran as if a demon was hot on her trail, ignoring all the pain shooting through her slender body.

Her tears had dried a long time ago and she stopped to take a scarf from her luggage. Her face was swollen on both sides and she used the scarf to cover it so it wouldn't bring her unwanted attention on the empty road. As the sky got darker and night settled in, she heard a car engine from the distance and stopped walking. A car was coming and she started waving like a maniac as she moved closer to the road until it stopped.

"I need to get to the bus stop," she said as the glass was wound down.

"This is a private car," the occupant said in irritation.

"Please, I came for an exam and got robbed," she quickly lied and sniffed to garner more sympathy.

"Okay," The man behind the wheels said grudgingly and opened the passenger's door.


She got in and tried not to over think being in a stranger's car. Her father would treat her worse than the stranger was likely to if he ever caught up with her. There was no point being afraid or weak. As she was deposited safely at the bus stop, she called her sister and got her address. Gini could tell her life was about to change drastically as she got on a bus and it scared her that she knew it wasn't going to be in a positive manner.

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