Chapter 16 : Clara and Kei Vs Hanna Li and John Yun

Start from the beginning

The elite nodded, "This way, doctor."

The moment Hans stepped into the familiar room, he was shocked. "Mr President!" He rushed over and inspect Lawson's wound in one swift look. "You got shot."

"Apparently.." Lawson responded with a thin smile, as if he didn't mind it at all.

Not sure what's going on, but Hans could tell it's tense atmosphere he's at. He turned around and saw John with someone in his arms. Who's that?

Why such an intense and cold expression on their face?

Hans just came back from his visit to other patient outside the hospital. He were lucky for not seeing the actual calamity happened. The moment he passed through the main entrance, the hospital is literally empty. He was shocked and speechless. He wanted to search for the staffs, but a man in military uniform ran towards him after he saw him dressing in white coat in relief expression. After a quick explanation, the elite led him to 16th floor where the ugly scene swallowing up the entire floor. Dead bodies were everywhere!

Hans examined the room but he couldn't find a suitable place to perform the an emergency treatment. All equipment were all damaged. "I can't treat President here, I need a place where I can have all the requirement medical equipment." Hans said to Quha.

Quha thought about it really quick and then suggested a place. "We're going to Sky Empire."

Hans nodded quickly. He knew it is best suggestion under these circumstances. Sky Empire had the best medical labs and facilities in this country, owned by the President for their own research and future medical convenience.

"Mr President, hold onto me, we gonna move out here." Hans said to Lawson as he's helping him to get him on the wheel chair.

Suddenly, they heard an awful scream from the outside. "A-Argh!! Argh!!" It's their men!

Before Quha could give his order to his men to find out, the door behind them suddenly broke by a heavy kick from the outside. Bang!

Tak, tak, tak..

A pair of high boots stepping forward with confident and supercilious attitude. The woman had this evil smile plastered on her pretty face. She grinned, "Ahh.. Are you seeking help in this place? A hospital?" She scoffed mirthlessly as she shifted her eyes to a man next to Hanna. She was surprised but laughs afterwards, "Ha, I see why you're here. Are you attached with this man already?" She blew the tip of her gun and said sarcastically, "Aren't you supposed to kill him? Not to falling in love to your victim.. Hanna.."

Clara eyes darkened and she's staring at Hanna like a piercing knife. This time, for sure, this witch will pay dearly for what she'd done!

Just then, another man in black came in fearlessly and stood behind Clara. The man looked vicious even with his good-looking face. His eyes fixated on one person, menacingly.. Hanna!

Hanna didn't expected Kei would be at the same place as well. However, from what Hanna could see, this two looks like they've been working together behind the scene for a long time. She can see through their dark eyes..

Quha started questioning two uninvited guest sternly, "Who are you?"

However, Clara grinned wickedly, "Such a trivial audience.."


It took Quha by surprise. That shot was so fast, that made the other elites couldn't react properly to the sudden gunshot. In contrast, there's nothing happened to any of them, except for one person..


Melhanwa suddenly fell next to the wheel chair while grabbing her chest. She then lost conscious. Hans was shocked too, but he's the ones first to react. He put her hands away from her chest gently and examine the shot. He looked firmly at Quha and said, "She's not breathing, we need to get out of here!"

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