"You want me to move out?" She asked, half expecting him too.

"No," he said without hesitation, "Of course not."

"Thank you," she swallowed hard. "Uh, so, ho-how are you?"

"Happy I'm home," he cracked a weak smile. "Little jumpy."

"I was jumpy right after," she laughed a little. "I hated being here alone."

He nodded. "Sorry 'bout that. Heard a lot changed."

"Yeah, all for the better," she smiled.

"Good," he forced a smile. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you," Macy relaxed a bit. "I need a nap, I'm on nights the next three days so you probably won't see me."

He reached out and surprisingly Macy took his hand and the two moved together for a hug. Opie held her mournfully, fearing this was more of a goodbye embrace than hello.

"There's a party next weekend," he said as she stepped away from him, "A parole party."

Macy tilted her head to the side. "Uh, wasn't that the night you came home?"

"Yeah," he laughed, "But this is a big one, some other shit to celebrate too," Opie said vaguely. "Bring him."

"Him? Him who?"

Opie groaned. "Your boyfriend."

"Shane?" She asked, forcing Opie to acknowledge him as more than some passing jerk.

"Yes. Shane."

"I don't think so, but I appreciate the offer," she said politely.

"Mace, shit can't be weird forever and it's a party, it'll be fun," he tried to persuade her. "Please?"

"Fine," she said, giving in too easily in hopes of finding normalcy again. "Saturday?"

"Yeah," he said, realizing Gemma was going to kill him for the late notice, "It's on Saturday."

"I'll see you then," she said nervously, making her way to the stairs. "Have a good week, Ope."

"Yeah," he called after her, "You too."

*Saturday Night*

"Why are you acting like this is your first club party?" Macy asked an unusually anxious Shane as they drove from her place to the clubhouse.

Shane glanced at her quickly and attempted to laugh it off. "I'm fine."

"You are so not," she giggled. "It's Opie, isn't it?"

Shane's eyebrows furrowed. "I get along with a lot of the guys, I even like some of them, Mace. I don't want him coming home and suddenly have them all turn on me. I don't need to be on SAMCRO's bad side."

"I know," she whinnied. "Opie is pouty on a good day and yeah, we make it much worse, but the guys know you didn't come in and ruin anything. You're not at fault and besides, not everyone knows we were ever together. I think you're safe."

"You're not still into him, are you, Macy?" Shane asked, showing a rare moment of vulnerability, as they approached the lot.

Macy groaned, "No. I'm not and even if I was, he'd have a lot of work to do. Shane, you don't know how devastated I was when he cut me off. I can't just get over it especially when there's always a chance he'll go back and probably do that shit again."

Shane cracked a small smile. "Good. It's not that I don't trust you, baby," he said, "I just don't want you to leave."

"I have no plans to," she said excitedly. "I'm very happy with you, Shane. It's almost too good to be true," Macy chuckled. "You're not some rat, are you?"

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