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Present day

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Present day

Once you got to your car that was parked in the school car park you quickly got in and started to drive. You didn't know where you were going but you just wanted to get away.

You cried and cried non stop. When Sweet Pea touched your leg you thought it was happening all over again.

You managed to drive out of Riverdale so you stopped at the side of the road and checked your phone. There were many missed calls and messages.

Sweet Pea ♡

Eliza.. is everything ok ?

Plz call me back I love you

Please don't do anything stupid babe I'm sorry if I scared you a bit or made you feel uncomfortable xx

I love you xx

It took you a while to process everything in your mind, in the end you decided to reply to him saying: 'I'm fine don't worry about me I love you too xx'.

When you arrived back home Sweet Pea was waiting for you on the sofa. "Hey." You said. He immediately ran and hugged you "I was so worried about you please don't do that to me Eliza." He replied.
"I texted you though." You told him,
"How was I supposed to know that was you?" He ushered. "It doesn't matter I'm here now I just had a emotional break down." You lied. He sweetly kissed you forehead and you slowly started to fall asleep beside him on the sofa.
It was the next day and you were walking hand in hand with Sweet Pea into school, you had felt so much better as Sweet Pea had been beside you all night. You had a few nightmares but it comforted you that he was snoring, with his arm around your hip, beside you.
"I'll see you in free period." Sweet Pea reassured you.
"See you later." You smiled,
You walked into English and sat next to your sister,
"Hey, is everything ok?" She asked
"Yeah I'm fine I'm just trying not to thing about things too much."

All of a sudden three ghoulies walked into class, you recognised one of them. Loads of flashbacks immediately rushed through your head, It was him. He had a massive bruise on his face from where you punched him.

You quickly got out of your seat and ran off the door. "Eliza WAIT!!!" Toni shouted running after you. You ran through the doors and outside, then you sat on the wall and cried your eyes out. "Eliza...was that him?" Toni asked once she caught up to you. "Yes..." You weeped

"I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" Toni stormed off back into the building.
"Toni please stop, don't do it."
"Eliza we can't just let him get away with it, can we atleast tell Sweet Pea he has to know."

"I know he does, I wanna tell him so bad but I don't know how he will react."
"Ok.. can you call him but please don't let him do something he will regret." You told her.

Sweet Pea bolted through the door and scooped you up in his arms.
"Baby are you ok, I'm so sorry, I should have been there for you, are you hurt, I love you, I'm gonna kill whoever did this to you." He squeezed you tightly.
"Sweet Pea stop I'm ok, I'm sorry I should have told you." You cried in his arms.

"No no no you don't have to be sorry." He responded.
"The guy was in her class and she bolted out as soon as she saw him." Toni told him.

"Oh my God! HES NOT GONNA GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!" He shouted.

Before you could tell him to stop he had ran back into school headed for your class. Toni ran over to you and hugged you tightly.

A/N Hey its poppy sorry it's been a while I'd love to hear what you guys think, don't forget to like and comment x

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