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"Boys we have some work to Do!" Sweet Pea exclaimed as he arrived back at Sunnyside

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"Boys we have some work to Do!" Sweet Pea exclaimed as he arrived back at Sunnyside. Once he had exclaimed everything Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead and a few other serpents all got on their bikes and rode out of Sunnyside trailer park.

Once they arrived at the Pembrooke the Serpents kicked the door down and marched inside. The went to a room that was labled 'Private' and they opened it. Inside was Hiram sitting at his desk. "Hello Hiram, nice to see you again." Commented Jughead. The Serpents all circles around his table. Hiram reached towards a gun that was in his draw but fangs grabbed it and threw it across the room. "Look what do you want!" Hiram shouted. "We want to know why you hurt her!" Sweet Pea recalled. "Why do you think, because she is an ignorant b*tch and she deserves to be in there." "Shut the f*ck up!" Sweet Pea screeched, grabbing a knife out of his pocket and holding in against his throat. "Dude, i know your angry, but don't you know what he's capable of." Fangs warned. Sweet Pea took away the weapon, still with a dangerous face. "Next time, Hiram then your dead!" Sweet Pea shouted as he stormed out of the room. "C'mon man she's doing fine, what's the big deal?" Fangs commented as they were walking out of the Pembrooke. "You won't understand." Sweet Pea replied. "Try us!" Jughead joked. "Well I don't think she remembers this but we knew each other as kids, I was about 10 and she was about 9 and we used to play with each other every day at the park. We looked after each other and always had each others backs. But there was one day where she needed me most and I wasnt there for her. Her parents were out all day and I was out with my friends. She was home alone and there was a gas problem that made the house set on fire and Eliza was trapped inside a room. She called me many times but I didn't answer. When I got home she was in hospital with quite bad burns. It was all my fault if I had answered her when she needed me she have been hurt by the fire." "Oh man, that's deep." Replied Fangs. "Since then I had to move away but I promised her I would always be there for her all she would have to do was call me."
"So that's why I was so pissed at Hiram and now I want to kill the son of a b*tch!"

When they got back to Sunnyside. FP was standing there looking really angry. " You do realise what you have done?!" He said sarcastically. "C'mon FP we had to you know what he did.'' Shot back Sweet Pea. "Look, I know but she's okay now and you didn't need to go storming over to him and letting out your anger!" FP recalled. Sweet Pea huffed and walked off, Fangs and Jughead followed him. "I thought it was a bit weird that you got the girl sweets because i'm the better looking one." Fangs joked. "I think we should all agree that I'm the best looking because I have a girlfriend." Jughead smirked. "Mustang come over here." Sweet Pea shouted. Mustang got out of his chair and walked over to them. "What do you want?" He commented in a deep voice. "Who is the best looking out of the Serpents?" Fangs asked winking at her. "That's an easy one." He replied. Sweet Pea and Juhead both smirked. " Me." He stated. "Ugh Mustang we ment out of us three." Jughead muttered. " Your all bad as each other." Mustang said walking off.

Eliza pov

"You are free to go miss Topaz just be careful of the wound." Ordered the doctor. "So sister where do you wanna go?" Toni smiled. You smiled back at her. "Lets go to pops like old times." You replied.

As you both walked into pops you could see several people you recognised in different booths. Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge were together and Jughead and Betty Cooper were in another booth. As you and Toni walked past Veronica she spoke to you, "Eliza, I'm sorry about my Dad." She said helpless. "It's okay don't worry about it it's not your fault." You reassured her. You and Toni both walked on and came across Jug and Betty. "Hey, Eliza meet Betty, Betty meet Eliza." Jughead said. "It's good to finally meet you Eliza." Betty smiled. "You too." You grinned. You and Toni both went and sat down in a booth and you both ordered a chocolate milkshake.


@elizatopaz Toni, you mean the world to me I am the luckiest person to have you as a sister

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@elizatopaz Toni, you mean the world to me I am the luckiest person to have you as a sister. You are always there for me and care for me. I always look up to you and come you for help and adivce. Love you sis Xx ❤
Liked by Fangs_Fogarty and 56 others
Tagged @tonitopaz
@tonitopaz love you too little sis Xx
@sweetp you two are so cute

A/N Hey it's poppy here I'd like to thank everyone for reading and voting. Please could you tell me what you think of the book in the comments, that would be appreciated. ❤

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