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"C'mon it'll be fun

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"C'mon it'll be fun." Sweet Pea encouraged. You groaned and sat up on his sofa.
"I don't know, pea." You muttered nervously.
"We'll be fine at riverdale high, we will show them Northsiders who's boss." He smiled.

You nervously walk into Riverdale High alongside your sister and sweet pea. It looked a lot better than Southside High, you knew there wouldn't be drugs everywhere you look or teachers that couldn't be arsed to get out of their chairs and teach.

As you enter the building quite a few people were staring at the serpents.

You slowly made your way over to a table infront of Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews.
"Friends, on behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High welcome to your new school" Veronica greets with a smile on her face.
"To ease this transition I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules and a list of sports and extra curriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale." She smiled.

All of a sudden you heard a girl shout from the top of the staircase infront of you. She had long red hair, and was wearing a short red dress. Behind her was an army of students marching down the stairs towards you and your friends.
"Stand down you evil parone!" She commanded.
Veronica sighed and rolled her eyes.
You gave an evil glare towards the red-haired girl.

"There's the school spirit I so fondly remember." Jughead sarcastically muttered.
"Cheryl, no one invited fascist barbie to the party." Veronica said to her.

"Wrong, Veronica. No one invited Southside scum to our school." Cheryl remarked folding her arms, "Listen up, raggamuffins, I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers." "So please do us all a favour and find some other school to debase with your hard scrabble ways." Cheryl ordered smirking.

You could feel the tension around you all the serpents were fuming. You notice to your side that your sister steps towards cheryl menacingly.
"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" Toni commanded.

"Happily, Queen of the Buskers." Cheryl replied smiling, marching over to Toni.
You wanted to stop Toni from what you thought she was about to do.

Luckily Archie stepped infront of the both, "Okay, guys. Everyone, can we just put our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over?, a new slate?" He advised.
"Mmm, you don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews, and need I remind you, these greaser-snakers showed up at your place trying to kick your ass." One of the boys beside Cheryl argued.

"Happy to finish what we started." Sweet Pea interfered. He tried to lunge forward at them but Jughead pulled him back.

"I'm so over the tonic masculinity in this hallway right now." Veroncia shouted.

"Alright! That's enough pomp and circumstance, everyone let's get to class. Now!" An middle aged man bellowed from down the corridor.

You assumed he was the principle.
You followed sweet pea down the corridor as he glared as the Bulldogs.
You were sat in the room with your friends because it was free period.

You sat that Veronica came in with a smile on her face. "I don't think we've properly met, I'm Veronica Lodge." She introduced holding her hand out.

"Of the park Avenue lodges." Jughead commented eating a crisp.
"Toni Topaz" toni shook her hand.

"Oh, like the purple colour jem stone, love it." Veronica smiled.

"And I'm Josie Mcoy, formerly of the pussycats now just Josie." Another girl introduced. You noticed sweet pea was staring at her.
"And this is Kevin." She introduced pointing to a boy sitting next to her.

Kevin smiled and looked at fangs. "What's your name?"

"Fogarty, you call me fangs."
"You last names keller, right?" Fangs pointed out.
"How did you know ?" Kevin questioned.
"Joaquin and I used to hang out, he talked about you all the time."

"Hi I'm Eliza Topaz, and I'm Toni sister." You smiled.

The principle had walked in and told all of you to follow him. He lead you to the hall where the was a badly painted snake on the ground surrounded by Riverdale students smirking.
"Which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?" He shouted.

"This is what they do Principle Weatherbee, the tag their turf." A Boy from the Bulldogs lied.

"My God Reggie, could you be anymore transparent." Veronica replied.

"No gang behaviour will be tolerated in my school, as of this moment no more serpents jackets." The principle ordered.

"What!" Sweet pea retaliated.
"Reggie you son of a bitch!" You shouted.

"All tattoos are gonna be covered!" He shouted. "If you dont follow these rules this will lead to immediate suspension!"

You were so angry, what had the Southside ever done to the northside.

You were walking down the halls with your sister still getting your bearings in the new school.

You came across sweet pea leaning against a locker talking to a girl. You recognised her, you had spoke to her in the free period. Josie Mcoy was her name.

You saw that she looked deeply into his eyes and smiled and he was smiling at her.
You started to tense up, Toni put her hand infront of you like a barrier. "Eliza don't, I'm sure it's not what it looks like."

You barged past her and marched towards them. As you approached Josie innocently smiled at you. "So, first day at the new school and you start flirting with another girl, wow pea!" You stated trying to keep your tears from falling.

"Wait, it's not what..." He ushered. "I don't wanna hear it sweet pea!" You interrupted, running away.

You stormed outside the building, got on your bike and drove it away.

As you got to your trailer your phone had exploded with all the messages from a serpents, mainly from sweet pea.

You knew that he wasn't doing anything with Josie but you just wanted him to be yours and for the other girls to stay away.

When Toni came home she walked over to you and hugged you. "C'mon Elz you know nothing was going on." Toni told you.
"You know he's at the Wyte Wryme drinking his heart out because hes angry and upset." Toni explained.

"I know Toni I just don't want sweet pea to run off with other girls now we are at a new school. I couldn't bear the thought of that happening." I sobbed.

"Oh baby sis you know he'd never do that to you, sweet pea loves you" Toni responded.

"Toni, what am I gonna do tomorrow at school? "
"Just talk to him he will understand." Toni advised.

"I can't do it Toni, he'll think I'm stupid for fussing over nothing, I'm gonna have to hide from him all day" you replied.

"Ok Elz but you know that won't work he will be looking for you." Toni joked.

A/N sorry it's taken a while to update, I'll try to update more frequently. I've just been stuck on ideas.

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