For the past 2 hours of my shift at the museum I have been trying to convince myself to not break down and call him first. I think at this point I really just wanted some closure, like was all the drama in the parking lot just to keep me on the hook.

"Who am I?", I say out loud to no one in particular

Bleu from a few months ago wouldn't have given a crap if some guy "explained himself". I would have looked at the situation and moved on quickly after the incident occurred.

Wrapped in my thoughts I don't hear my boss come up to my desk. Lisa is a gorgeous blond who I'm pretty sure could have been a model if she didn't like being behind the camera more than in front of it. With long legs and a slender neck you would think she was walking in a VS show every time she stepped into a room with decent lighting. But her warm and understanding personality made her beauty even more noticeable. She really made being in your 30s look glamorous 

"Bleu you can go home, it a slow day", her voice sounds in the once quiet room 

I jump at her voice and turn to look up at her.

"Sorry to scare you", she says with a laugh

"Its ok Lisa I was in my own little world there for a moment", I say with a small smile

"Well I was saying you can take off if you want. Its a slow day and I received your proposal for the new collection campaign", she says with a warm smile

"Thank you, that would be great I'm a little bit off my game this week. It was an interesting weekend", I say as I begin to pack up my stuff

"I wouldn't have known, you have been doing great work so far. Go home and get some rest and I will see you on Friday for the members cocktail party." And with that she sweeps out of the room gracefully

I finish gathering my stuff into my portfolio and change my shoes to sneaks. I walk out of the main doors and outside into the rapidly setting sun.

As I walk to my car I see something in the windshield. My first instinct is to leave it there because I was not trying to be human trafficked on this fine Wednesday afternoon.

When I get right up on it I see its a slip of paper and flower that I believe is baby's breath. I walk to side of my car and sit my things in the back before investigating further. I pick up the flower and then the note and read it carefully.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you for a moment. I meant it when I said that this wasn't the end of us"

- Ares

In side I'm screaming with happiness but outwardly I try to be coy just in case he's sitting somewhere watching my reaction.

I get into my car and head out of the parking lot. I feel my body getting warmer as I think of the gesture but it quickly sours as I think of how long it took him to do it.

"This would have been much cuter on Monday butthole", I say as I look down at the note when I come to a stop at a light.

As I get home I keep glancing at the note and flower sitting in my cup holder. I'm not sure what my next move is supposed to be. Should I be expecting a call from him, a text, or maybe a smoke signal.

I walk into the house and straight into Taylor's room without knocking. She is sitting in the middle of her bed typing something on her laptop.

"Don't they teach you southern bitches how to knock?", she says looking up from her screen

"I don't they", I say walking toward the bed and dumping the contents from my window onto her lap

"You writing me love notes now ginger?", she says picking them up with a smile

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