Castiel pressed the small silver button of one of his pedals as the transition into the bridge began. His guitar immediately changed to a much more ambient reverberation, as did Ash's who engaged a similar affect.

As they continued through the song, Castiel began to ease his worries about the coming performance. If they could entertain a bunch of kids who were simply here to get out of doing schoolwork, he felt confident in their ability to dazzle at a show where people would be there specifically to see them.

They had cut out the sax solo towards the end of the song partly because they didn't have anyone to play it, partly because Castiel didn't feel like rigging up another mic for one solo. However, no one noticed, and he knew there probably weren't any rabid 1975 fans in this audience.

They finished, letting the last chord ring out. A wave of thunderous applause followed.


"Nice job, kiddo." Gabe said, patting Castiel's back as they embraced.

"Thank you." Castiel said, squeezing his brother gently as he smiled softly.

"Are you guys ready..." Gabe trialed off as he leaned to one side to look behind his brother, a smirk growing on his face.

"What...?" Castiel asked confused, following his gaze.

A small crowd had gathered behind the dark haired boy, girls (and a few boys) of all ages chattered enthusiastically as they waited for Castiel's attention.

"I think you've attracted a following." Gabe said mischievously. "Well actually, more like a cult. I think you're their god now. I'll leave you to your disciples. Have fun." He patted his brothers shoulder and sauntered off, chuckling.

Cas was immediately swarmed.

"You're so hot!"

"You sing so good!"

"Where did you get those pedals, man?"

Over the top of the crowd he spotted Dean, laughing at the sight of him being mobbed. Cas's heart fluttered.

He attempted to fulfill the requests of all his new fans adequately before wandering over to the still waiting Dean.

"Hey." He said, smiling, hands in the back pockets of his black skinny jeans.

"Hey." Dean said, looking him up and down as he leaned against a sound-paneled wall, thumbs in his belt.

"What did you think, Mr. Winchester? Are we ready for the show?" Castiel's voice dripped with smugness.

Dean smirked and leaned forward. "I don't know. I think I might need a private show to make sure."

Castiel laughed. "I'll have to ask the guys and see if they're up to it." He said.

Dean's eyes darkened to that look that was burned into the space behind Castiel's eyes and made his fingers twitch and tremble tensely. He leaned in ever closer, turning his head to access the space near Castiel's ear.

"I only want you, Angel." His was a soft growl that only Castiel could hear. Cas could feel his body warm and his stomach twist.

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielWhere stories live. Discover now