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This light? What is this light?

My eyes snap open and I'm thrown forward out of the bed.

What? Where am I? 

I look around quickly and start to panic.

This isn't my room. But wait, I've seen this place before.

I look around the room and my eyes land on the single dresser with mismatched-silver frames. My wedding, Lucrezia's birthday, and a family photo are placed in the frames looking exactly the same as mine.

But the room isn't mine. The blankets are a deep velvety blue and the dresser is made of darker wood. Most of all, the room is incredibly smaller than my own. But I recognized this place. 

This was (y/n)'s house. I'm not in Naples anymore.

I stood quickly and unconsciously slid my feet into a pair of...slippers? Where are my Gucci slides! I sigh and move to quickly open the door and go looking for her. The change of scenery hits me like a truck. There are only three doors in the short hallway and the stairs lead right to the small living room. The space felt a little more...cramped then my home did. But it was a pleasant cramped feeling. I felt at home deep in my soul.

Then the smell of bacon wafted into my nose and the smell of a fresh pot of coffee soon joined it. I took careful steps down the wooden stairs and cringed every time I heard them creek under my weight, giving me away. Then my eyes dart over the partition dividing the kitchen from the living room and stairs. And my heart races like never before.

She doesn't notice me at first. I could tell her mind was elsewhere as she flipped the fried eggs and watched them sizzle. She looked as radiant as I remembered, the light that sifted from the window making her glow like an angel. A smile graces her lips as the eggs finish and she moves them to the last of the four finished plates. Finally, she turns and locks eyes with me, and I feel like I could of burst into tears right then.

"Oh, I didn't see you there amore mio. Breakfast is ready so please eat before we leave." She wipes her hands on a small kitchen towel and then moves gracefully past me and up the stairs. "Lucrezia! Breakfast is ready!" She shouts as she knocks on the dark wood door.

She looks at me and shoos me off. "What are you staring at me for? Eat eat! We have to go soon!"

A bit dazed, I sit at the table and stare at the breakfast before me. I can't eat right now I think to myself, feeling my stomach flipping in on itself with excitement and eagerness. She's here, she's alive, there's nothing I need to worry about anymore. My wishes were granted.

Two knocks come from the front door, and my train of thoughts are broken.

"Giorno would you get that? I invited Abbacchio over for breakfast!" She shouts from atop the stairs. I get up quickly with no protests and swing open the door to see the familiar silver-haired man. His eyes narrow once he sees me and he parts his lavender lips to say something.

"Who let you out of the basement? " He questions while crossing his arms and smacking his teeth. "Do you not speak Italian, Giorno?" He snaps. To be honest, I had been a bit confused by his outfit. He wasn't wearing his usual get up. He had on a sleek black dress shirt and black pants that complimented his long legs. To top it all off, he looked a bit older. I shake my head and mumble an apology before stepping aside and inviting him in. "Look at you, you aren't even dressed yet. Did you forget what today was?"

"Today? What's today?" I ask as he walks past me and into the kitchen. "Ask (y/n). I'm not bailing you out of this one." He chuckles as he sits down and pulls out his phone.

Soon, (y/n) walks down the stairs and heads to the kitchen where Abbacchio stands to give her a hug. "Thank you for your help Leo. What would I do without you?"

"Die." He teased as he sat back down and picked up a fork. "Everything looks delicious by the way."

"Ah, thank you thank you! Go ahead and eat. Lucrezia is almost ready." She says as she plops down in the seat across from him and picks up a fork to start eating. "You too Gio, what's gotten into you this morning?" She chuckles as she points to the seat next to her.

I sit in the seat and scratch my neck. "Sorry, I just feel out of it. What's today again?" I ask, already afraid that today was an important day that just slipped over my head. My suspicions are confirmed as she slams her fork down and narrows her eyes on me.

"You don't know what today is?

"N-no...should I?"

She bites her lip before going for another bite, all the while Abbacchio is grinning as he sips his coffee. "Today is Lucrezia's graduation from primary school. How could you forget?"

"A-Ah! I didn't forget! It just slipped my mind momentarily." I sputter out, trying to save my ass. Just as I was going to apologize again, Lucrezia comes barreling down the stairs in a long-sleeved, black skater dress. I catch eye of her face once she moves her curly blonde hair from her face and nearly gasp at the sight of her maturing face. She didn't look five anymore, she was taller and her hair was a long and unruly mess. When she spoke without a lisp, I almost choked on my own spit.

"Uncle Leone! I'm ready!" She shouts and does a small twirl before looking at me and asking "Do you like my dress Dad? Bruno picked it out for me. Isn't it nice?"

I give her a smile before replying "It looks stunning on you, Princess."

Abbacchio gets up from his seat and follows Lucrezia upstairs, leaving (y/n) and I alone. She doesn't say much as she finishes up her food and starts collecting all the dishes to place in the sink. She frowns once she sees the amount of food left on my plate but takes it anyway.

"Is there something wrong, Giorno? You seem out of it, are you okay?" She asks as she turns the water on and starts washing dishes. "I only ask because I'm worried and you know how I get when I'm worried..." she trails off. My heart warms at her words. She hasn't changed a bit.

I silently stand and wrap my hands around her from behind to lean down and place a kiss on her shoulder. She squeaks and I chuckle at the sound before burying my head in her shoulder and sighing.

"I missed you so much (y/n). I promise not to lose you again." I whisper, tightening my grip on her with no intention of letting go anytime soon. She shifts in my grip so she can see my face and blesses me with the most beautiful smile.

"You won't lose me, Giorno. You don't have to worry about that." She chuckles and then leans in to capture my lips in a chaste kiss.

"I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you more, Giorno."



I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I had fun writing it.

I wish I had more to say but I'm kinda like at the point in my life where I'm like "Oop gotta go!" while also being like "I sleep" and there is no inbetween. So uh...yeah. Love you all

Peace ✌

Fighting Gold {Giorno x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora