Maybe it's love

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~ Giorno's Playlist: Donna by Ritchie Valens ~

The dress I had squeezed in was the deep color of red, red wine. The tag had been discarded long ago when I first received it. Just looking at the amount of zero's following a big seven made me sick, but GioGio would have me wear nothing else.

The dress had a slit that traveled to my upper thigh and that was accented with gold. The straps of the dress wrapped around my torso and was decorated in the same gold from the skirt. My hair had been quickly pulled back into a messy but slightly elegant bun and my face was brushed with light makeup.

A knock came to my door and I scrambled to open it and reveal Narancia.

"You look so pretty (y/n)! The boss is gonna love that you wore a dress he bought." Narancia exclaims, soon holding out an arm for me to take. "Speaking of the boss. I think he's getting impatient..." He trails off.

I take his arm and Narancia leads me out of our place and into the elevator. He presses the button for the first floor and our descend. I play with the fabric of the dress and study the soft material between my fingers.

"You must be nervous. Don't worry It's not like it's your first date." Narancia says, trying to sooth the nerves I didn't know were biting my conscious.

"It sure feels like it, Narancia."

"Just remember that he is just as nervous. Things can go back to the way they were, but only if you let him in and he lets you in." 

"When did you become so wise little Narancia."

"H-Hey! I'm older than you and him you know! Respect your elders!" I laugh at his flustered face and he only grumbles about how disrespectful kids were these days. He sounded like an old man.

The elevator opened to the communal areas on the 2nd floor. Past the lounge area where I had met everyone earlier was a hall that held three sets of double doors. Three different gathering halls. He leads me to the first door and we stand together looking at the wood in silence.

"Hey, What's Lucrezia going to be doing while we're here." I ask Narancia

"She's gonna have dinner with us. We'll make sure to tire her out so it'll be easier to put her to bed."

"Thank everyone for me will ya Narancia?"

"Of course. Now don't keep the boss waiting." Narancia turns on his heel and enters the elevator. He waves 'see ya later' and the golden doors of the elevator close. I look at the door again and gather the courage and determination to open it. And when I did, I was met with Giorno, A single set up table, and way too much space.

Giorno was dressed his best as always. The dress shirt he wore was tucked into black slacks that had golden threads depicting flowers on his leg. The red dress shirt was decorated with the same golden flowers.

I take my cautious steps forward and made sure that the gentle sway of my hips was as intoxicating to him as he was to me. It worked as a small glint and a smirk appeared on his face. Once I'm in his range, he lifts my hand and leaves a kiss on the back of my palm. His eyes never left mine.

"Your breathtaking, you know that right bella?" I smile at his compliment and look away with a small blush.

"Flattery gets you nowhere, Giorno, you know that." I tease. He releases my hand and pulls out my seat. I sit down and he pushes me in but lets his hands linger on the chair as he leans in to whisper into my ear.

"Is it flattery if it's true Bella? You shine like the sun (y/n)." I shiver and he pulls away and takes the seat across from me. "I just had to let you know."

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