Curse my Family

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As I spoke about what I saw, Giorno became visibly angrier and angrier. He hadn't made any movements, but the blue in his eyes wasn't the same. The sea in them was tossing and turning in chaos. His hand was clenching around nothing, causing the skin of his knuckles to turn white. He probably thought to himself:

Why do I come from such an evil man?

Why have I cursed my family?

It was obvious that guilt ate at him. His sweet daughter is not only cursed, but missing, and all because of who he was. I rested a hand on one of his clenched fists out of instinct and willed him to relax his hold. He wasn't alone, he had the ones he called his family, and most of all he had his wife. The hand I touched started to relax.

"He told me that if I was to read your fortune, it would reveal the same thing. Do you think that's true Giorno?"

He thinks a bit before he speaks. "It may be. I never met my father, but I did meet the man who killed him. My family tree is quiet...complicated you see." He looks down at his hands for a second before continuing. "I was told that he was a very evil and powerful person. If he was able to give you a vision beyond the grave, then even the fates recognize his power. Mine and Lucrezia's past, present, and future will always somehow be entwined with his." 

As he finished, I nodded at the thought. Giorno hadn't had his father impact his life till now, so maybe the same could go for her. But then I remembered, she had a World stand starting to manifest in her tiny little body. How could a child even have such a fighting spirit?

"DIO said some interesting things about Lucrezia." I started. "He said she was going to be powerful beyond our imaginations. A stand that can impact the world."

"Did he say any more about that?"

"No...Nothing really. He did mention that he had searched for someone with a stand like hers but died trying to achieve it." 

After talking for a bit more, we both came to the conclusion that none of our thoughts of what her stand could be would make sense.  But then, a thought came to his mind and the grand scheme of things seemed to get darker and darker.

"Monaciello...could he be one of the remnants of DIO Jotaro warned me of? He knew about you and he knew about Lucrezia...maybe he knows of her stand's power."

"W-Wait wait!" I said waving my hands in front of me. "Who's Jotaro?"

"Oh." He said, embarrassed by how unfiltered he was being. "I'm still not sure of our exact relation but he's a relative of mine. He killed my father in 1987."

Suddenly, he's on his feet. His brow is furrowed and his foot is tapping for exactly three seconds before he turns to me. His eyes are deep and thought and I could tell that even as he spoke to me, he was still planning something.

"I've got an idea but I have to act quick. We'll come back to this I promise."

"Oh. No Giorno, it's fine. Just keep me in the loop of things alright?" I ask as I stand and place a kiss to his cheek.

"I will." He seals the promise with a kiss on my cheek and then quickly exits the room. Now alone, I reach for my phone and start typing a message to my favorite ex-cop, asking if he was free. A reply instantly popped up on my screen and I frowned at the message that told me he was busy working. I shoot texts to the rest of the family and continue to frown at the repeated messages detailing that all of them had been busy.

With a sigh, I lay down to rest my eyes once again.

___3 days later___

The tension in the room formed a dark, thick cloud over everyone's heads like a mocking Halo of dread. Nothing was said as we all waited for Giorno to open the grand doors and allow the final meeting to commence. We were tired, we were scared, but most of all, we were desperate to start the mission and get Lucrezia back.

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