The Date (1)

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~ Giorno's Playlist: I Want You By Savage Garden ~

The day at the beach went a little something like this:

Narancia sprinted like some animal to make sure he was the one in the driver seat. Lucrezia sang songs from the radio the entire drive while Leo mumbled how Narancia should learn to respect his elders. He wouldn't dare comment on the five-year-olds singing because when he opened his mouth to complain, I shot him a glare and made a gesture that said 'don't you dare'.

When we got there, we ate the lunch prepared by the chef and waited for the usual fifteen minutes of agony that would prevent unwanted cramps. As soon as the timer went off, Lucrezia and Narancia were running down the beach and splashing in the water. I met them to splash around and swim with Lucrezia until I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned around and placed my hands on my hips before calling out to Leo who stayed under the umbrella and feigned sleep, but we both knew his eyes were watching me behind the expensive shades.

"Leo come in! The waters nice!" I called out to him from the beach. And after several attempts to drag him over and let his pale skin see the sun, he finally joined us standing awkwardly in the water. Soon after, Leo and I retreated to the umbrella to relax and watch Lucrezia burry Narancia alive in the hot sand. But then the sun started to set and leave beautiful filters of pink and gold on the beach. So we drove back home and split to take showers and clean ourselves of the ocean and the sand that stuck to our unfortunate skin. After the 40 minutes of continued splashing in the tub, I managed to get both Dulce and Lucrezia clean and dressed her up in her night clothes. We were getting out Dulce's night zoomies when Giorno and Bruno entered the room, I hadn't seen either all day. 

"Hello my loves!" Giorno announces with a smile and bends down to place a kiss on Lucrezia's cheek while shooting me a wink. "How was the beach princess?"

"We had tho much fun daddy! I w-w-wish you were th-there!" She beams and returns the kiss on his cheek.

"I know baby. We'll have to go again soon." He says a bit sad that all he could do was say 'next time'. "Do you mind if I steal your mother for tonight Lucrezia?" He asks the bubbly girl. She places a finger on her chin and pretends to mull over the pros and cons of the request before finally nodding and running into Bruno's arms.

"That's okay! I have Bruno to play with me, right Bruno?" She implores

"Of course little one! Let's go bother Abbacchio." He suggests and walks her downstairs, Dulce following along. Giorno and I stared at each other for a good minute before he cleared his throat and spoke again.

"I left a present for you in your room. Please join me in the garage when you're ready." 


The present was 5,000 dollars worth of dress that made me sick to my stomach.

It was short, only barely reaching past my upper thigh, and it was gold, our favorite. Small arches comprised of gold-dipped crystals that sparkled decorated the dress and created movement. When I slipped into it, the fabric was surprisingly soft and didn't itch leaving me appreciating Giorno's careful eye when picking things for me. 

The next luxury had me near vomiting, but it brought back some memories of Giorno's youth.

The door to the elevator opened and I was greeted by the garage. Scanning the place, I find Giorno leaning against one of his (I assume) newer purchases and picking at his nails rather bored. The car was an easily reflective gold and everything about it screamed expensive, just like Giorno. He sees me gawking at the car and stands up straight to present, what I guessed, was our ride for tonight. He slaps the roof of the car before informing me that the car was a 2008 Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano, one of five in Italy and the only one customized with a golden body that reflects city lights beautifully as you pass.

He holds out a hand to me and I place mine gently in his palm, he places a kiss near my knuckles then guides me to the open door of the car.

"Let me take you somewhere we haven't been in years." His voice is low and dangerous, and I love all of it.

The expensive leather meets my back and I'm a bit shocked by the cold before I sit back and pull my legs into the car. Giorno closes the door and steps in the driver's seat, closing his door and shifting to get comfortable in the seat.

"I miss your old Spider." I say in an attempt at conversation. I always find myself struggling to speak around him.

"I miss her too. Too bad somebody insisted we had fun in the car and stained the seats." He winks knowingly and I blush at the memory of a drunk and desperate me clinging to Giorno and near begging him to have sex in his newest car now that he had the opportunity to race with it and win. He was devastated once we noticed the big and noticeable splash of white on the black interior.

The engine revs and pulls me back from the brief memory. I smile at Giorno and grab ahold of his hand on the dash, wanting to feel his touch and presence just a bit more.

"you ready Mio amore?"

"Always, Giorno." 

He turns his focus in front of him and soon we are pulling out of the garage and zipping down an empty street lit by lamps in shades of grungy orange. I come to recognize the streets I haven't traversed in so long. The signs of small shops and Cafe's that I remember visiting wave at me.  A vision of a younger me leaning against one of the poles and desperately scribbling in her school books passes us and I remember farther back into my life, to before I met Giorno. To before I was saved by Bucciarati.

We turn on an inclining road and I immediately know where we are going.

The view of buildings began to fade into that of rock and trees as we drove along the roads of the hills and climbed higher to our spot. The city was sinking more and more and I could feel my palms starting to sweat as we approached the side road. 

Giorno pulls into one of the many side stops that decorated the roads of the hills and cuts off the smooth purr of the engine. He steps out and walks to the passenger side, opening the door and guiding me back out of the car. The cool night air of Italy nipped at my exposed legs but it didn't bother me.

"Why did you bring me here mio amore?" I ask and he responds by pulling me close to him by the hips.

"I wanted to reminisce with you. Just for a little, I still have more planned for the night." He says with a chaste kiss to my lips.

The area was a place we often escaped too.

 It started out as a meeting spot. In the early times of our relationship, we would each drive up here and makeout and release all the pent up sexual frustration that two kids surrounded by nobody of dating range experienced. It was perfect because hardly anybody traversed up the hill during the night hours.

Then it became a spot for frequent dates. Giorno had planned hundreds of small dates to this spot. We used to bring our own food up here and enjoy each other's company as we ate on top of the hood of the expensive car he took out that night.

Then it became our escape. Being a Don wasn't healthy by any means but to help with stress and the overwhelming amount of work, we would come here to just sit. We would come here to nap unbothered. If I recall correctly, we even had a fight or two here because being at the house or HQ was just too much.

"Our dinner reservation should be ready in a half-hour. After we eat, I thought we could continue our memories and entered into a race."

A race?

I'm sorry did he say A RACE?


Almost Jojo Friday pappa bless 

Diavolo is coming.

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