Nothing Lasts Forever

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I have a story to tell. Will you listen to it?

The year 2001 was full of change.

I, at the tender age of 14, joined the organization called Passione and began working my way up the ranks. My stand was useful and very powerful, so I used it. I used it to join the gang and protect my sister, I used it to gain recognition and become close with the likes of Bruno Bucciallarti, I used it to protect Giorno Giovanna.

Naples wasn't the best place to live as a girl my age with nobody but their sister next to them. Prostitution rings were out looking for young girls our age because they were easier to break and make prostitutes of. They were young and could fetch hefty prices. Once you were caught and addicted to the drugs they gave the girls to keep them in check, there was no way out. No way out except death.

But I passed Bruno's test and with a snap of a finger, my sister and I were safe. I was working under the Capo and in turn, the gang gave us the protection from the rings we needed. 

I turned 17 and Bruno thought it was time I moved on up.

I met Giorno Giovanna the same day I turned 17. He knew my stand and he knew my loyalty was admirable. That day I became part of his personal guard. We grew closer and closer, Giorno's gang was flourishing and making Naples a great place to live in again. I couldn't help but admire his drive. His personality was beautiful and his mission was something I could stand behind for the rest of my life.

Eventually...I fell in love.

Giorno Giovanna was a beautiful man. He was built like a statue, he was smart, he had taken over this organization at the tender age of 15. He held himself as if he was the most important person in the world but he also had a compassionate heart like no other. He cared for his members, he cared for his family. And somewhere in his heart was a special place reserved for me and only me.

I became Mrs.Giovanna in the summer of 2005. We were so utterly in love that I can't even sit here and reflect and say there was a time when I wasn't happy around him. I was the bosses wife and now I was untouchable.

On April 16th of 2007, the same day he was born, we welcomed Lucrezia Giovanna into the world. We had a family together now. Oh, how Giorno loved his baby girl. Oh, how I loved them both.

Our family wouldn't be together long...

A year later, Giorno and I divorced. People were still after the relatively new Boss's head. Nobody knew of his wife and kid but that didn't mean they weren't in constant danger. Giorno was away from home more often, and everything was catching up to me. My baby Lucrezia was in danger and I knew I needed to give her the normal life she deserved, she wouldn't be dragged into Italy's underworld.

He moved us down to a quiet place in Cosenza. The city was huge but it was safer than Naples was. 

Every month Giorno sends us 6 months worth of rent. I only use that money on Lucrezia and work to pay for rent and food. I put most of the money away to pay for her college and only pull money out to spoil her. I didn't want to rely on his money.

He left three things with us before saying his final goodbye to us: Two rings, one for Lucrezia and one for myself. He had a third that was identical to ours that he kept on his finger. He claimed they were for identification purposes and kept us somewhat connected as a family, but I could feel the stand powers radiating from the ring. I have had yet to figure out what the true purpose of the ring is.

The last thing he left was a small black box with a button in it. This came with a promise that whenever that button was pressed, Giorno would drop everything and be in Cosenza as soon as possible.

And so we live here. Me and Lucrezia share our small and comfortable home. It's been us two for five years. I still loved Giorno Giovanna, but I was content with our little life in Cosenza.

But of course, nothing lasts forever.

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