Not a Peaceful One

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~ Narancia's Playlist: Paisley Park by Prince ~

(*Pussy Control)

My night was not a peaceful one.

I awoke in the streets of Neapolis with Mista by my side and Lucrezia in my arms.

"I know I know baby. I wanna be in daddy's arms too."

I blinked once and we were in the alley. In front of me was Giorno, he shouted at me to stay behind him and summon the Tower. But by the time the words had left his lips, four knives had dug themselves into four of his vital points.

He fell to his knees quicker than I had ever seen him in battle. Something wasn't right Giorno couldn't be defeated. He had no flaw he was perfect he can't possibly go down with four knives to his name.

He reached out to me with blood flowing out of his perfect body. I could do nothing but scream. From the top of my lungs, I screamed and tears streamed down my face with the force of the strongest rivers. My body was shaking and the sound of Lucrezia's cries was filling the stressful air. My husband, my daughter, and I... We were all going to die here today.

Giorno reaches out to me, eyes wide and scared for our lives, not his own. With one shallow breath, he manages to slip the first syllables of my name from his lips:


Then the man with no features delivers his final blow, with a knife aimed perfectly at his back puncturing his lung again.

Giorno chokes on the blood rushing up his throat and collapses in front of me.

I drop to my knees reaching for his lifeless body, reality shaking my entire body. I can't fight. I'm too weak.

I peak at her rosy cheeks and eyes red from crying and desperately kiss her face. 

"My baby...My child..." I coo softly, tears being relentless in there spilling. I could do nothing but hug her to my shaking form and close my eyes. I could do nothing but pray to no one.

But soon I'm taken away from this dream. Hands are holding me down and I'm desperate to break free of them before that golden voice completely awakens me.

"(Y/n) It's me! I'm here It's okay, I'm here!" He calls to me. I stop moving and Giorno searches my eyes for hints of emotions. He can see how terrified I was. He's slow to lift his hands from holding my arms down and the worry in his ocean eyes calms me down. He's here and She's okay and I'm okay.

Tears prick at my eyes as he stares at me and he immediately pulls my crying face into his strong chest, running idle fingers through my hair in an attempt to soothe me after my fight. He breaks the silence between us with one question.

"How long?" He whispers, kissing the top of my head.

"Since that day..." I let out softly. He squeezes me to show me that I won't have to deal with those nightmares anymore. He squeezes me to root me to reality and show that I'm safe.

He stays with me the entire night, taking his space on my bed and making sure I was close to him and in his arms. The coaxing movements of his fingers in my hair is quick to put me to sleep.


At around 4 a.m., I awoke to Giorno's slow movements as he tried to get up without waking me. When he noticed me shifting in the blankets, he returned to place feather-like kisses on top of my head while mumbling a "Rest, tesoro."

"Mmm...Why are you up so early, Giorno?" I hum, moving deeper into the blankets now that his natural heat was missing.

"I wanted to get an early start today. I was hoping to treat you once I'm done with my work." My ears perked at the words. Treat me?

"U-Umm...Okay." Sleep was still prevalent in my mind so my responses were short and unsure. He leans down to place one last kiss on my lips and then I'm sure.

"Don't worry tesoro. just rest and I'll take care of everything."


I did rest as he said. But around 10 A.M, my door creaked open just a slither and little feet padded toward my bed. She struggled to climb on top of the massive bed but when she did, her arms wrapped around my head and she repeatedly called my name.

"Mom. Mom. Mom. Mommy!'

"Yes yes Lucrezia! I'm awake." I say waving her away and sitting up in the bed. I reached for the skies with a yawn and rubbed my eyes so I could clearly see her chubby cheeks and eager blue eyes.

"Mommy, can we go Thwimming today?! Pleathe! I wath good all week in Th-thtrawberryth c-class!" she struggles out. It was good that he was slowing down, it meant that Fugo's teachings were helping her 'S' problem. He probably thought the same thing I did, her mind was simply too fast for her mouth to catch up too.

"Yes honey, we'll get ready and go here soon I promise. Just let me wake up a bit..." I say, laying back and letting out loud, fake snores. Lucrezia giggles at my antics and tries shaking me back awake all while cheering "Mommy mommy!"

I laughed at her attempts and scoop her up for a kiss on the cheek, to which she tries to wriggle out of my grip.

"Oh come on Lucrezia, you used to love my kisses." I tease as she breaks free and hops off the bed.

"We have to hurry momma! We don't have all day!"

She runs out of the room to get ready so I finally stand and push away from the bed. I shoot a text to Narancia and Abbacchio asking for their company and then rummage through my closet for something to wear. I had looked for so long I was starting to think that maybe I didn't have one, but from the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of gold. I pull out the peeking fabric and am amazed and scared to wear the golden one piece with laced sides that left my hips exposed. I wasn't daring enough to wear just that but after I slipped on the swimsuit and a pair of black shorts, I pulled a black, sheer kimono cover-up over my shoulders and topped it all off with a wide-brimmed sun hat.

Lucrezia knocked and the door and opened it so that she could show me the new swimsuit her dad had bought her. That's right, we never had swimwear in Cosenza. He must have bought this too I think to myself as I admire the pink-skirted two-piece she wore. She looked too cute for words.

We made our way down to the lobby were Abbacchio and Narancia lounged, probably waiting for the both of us to be ready.

"Whose driving?" I ask and both of them raise their hands.

"I'm the oldest and most experienced so I will be driving."

"Your old eyes can barely see the road anymore Abbacchio, I'll drive we're taking my car anyway." Narancia chides as he waves the musical keys in front of his face.

"Well sort it out. She's getting anxious." I warn. The little girl was practically jumping out of her sandals with excitement as Duce riled her up even more by chasing circles around her feet.


My music choices have low-key been reduced to Jojo references and it's sad. I haven't even read part 8 but I chose Yashuo's song lol like how????

I'm barely alive but shit I got a whole ass juicy smut waiting in my draft box for y'all

PS: Happy late pride bitches! Ya'll gonna hear from me tomorrow, it's Pansexual day!!!!!

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