Family Time

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~ Giorno's Playlist: Pretty Woman by Van Hellen (from the Diver Down album ahhh I couldn't stop thinking about Anasui!) ~

The knock of the large double oak door is what drew me out of his arms. We were quick to separate and I was quick to wipe the evidence of tears from my face.

In comes Fugo with Lucrezia at his feet. The ball of energy brushes past his legs and barrels towards Giorno who bends down to her height with his arms wide open and ready to catch her. She jumps in his arms and he twirls her as he picks her up and holds her against his hip, letting out small laughs the entire time.

"Daddy Daddy! I learned about adding and the alphabet and Thtrawberry even gave me Candy! Thee! Thee!" Giorno emplored her to keep talking about her lessons and what she was learning and she did so proudly. Soon, Dulce comes running in and is immediately climbing Giorno's leg till he snaps his finger and she sits obediently, tongue hanging out of her mouth and tail wagging excited to play with the little girl.

He places the girl down and she runs down the hall giggling with Dulce chasing after her.

"H-Hey not in the house Lucrezia!" I shout after her. But all her worries were thrown to the wind. I let out a sigh and shake my head at the amount of energy she had after her lessons were over. How did Fugo and Bruno manage, she tired me out so quickly! Maybe I'm getting old...But Bruno and Fugo are older than me!

"Thank you, Fugo." Giorno spoke, effectively dismissing him. Fugo took his leave and Giorno stared at the door for a couple of seconds, lost in thought. Then with some newfound energy, he turned to me and grabbed my idle hands.

"How would you feel spending some time together? Just me, you, and our little girl." His ocean eyes had a glint to them. Was it youth? It reminded me of those days when we would get a thrill sneaking around HQ and share hot and silent moments that we hadn't shared with anyone else. 

"That sounds great, Giorno."


We ended up baking cookies for everyone. We were in the main kitchen downstairs that was used by the hired professional chefs that Giorno brought in occasionally. We would need a lot of room for the little one with all that energy inside her. I was surprised Giorno even managed to calm her down enough to start preparing the batter.

Dulce was at our feet scavenging for anything that splashed out the bowl or dropped to the floor. She stayed closest to Lucrezia for the five-year-old was bound to drop something. Giorno and I twirled around the kitchen reaching for needed ingredients and utensils with grace and completely in synch. Small conversation popped up here and there with some flirty teasing in between, but through it all, all three of us kept happy smiles on our faces.

The sound of Sir Van Halen filled the kitchen from a small stereo placed on a nearby counter. Giorno's voice echoed his but I knew those words were for me. I blushed because I was the 'Pretty Woman' Giorno was calling out to.

I was watching Lucrezia happily stir the batter when I was suddenly attacked. I take my eyes off the blond man for five seconds and he decides that's just enough time to make a mess. He was quick when he pulled the red mix tool from where it lay on the rim of the mixing bowl and swiped the end of it on my nose leaving a streak of raw cookie dough on my cheek. My surprised face that followed my gasp must have greatly amused him as he laughed harder than I've seen in a while, pointing at my cheek. Lucrezia cranes her head to see and soon joins him in the laughter.

So, with a huff of annoyance, I grabbed the spatula and swiped it on his nose. Now Lucrezia and I laughed at his surprised expression.

But it wasn't too long before the fun was interrupted. Giorno had wiped his nose clean and polished my cheek before the dough was finally ready. Together, we hovered over Lucrezia's shoulders as she portioned out the dough in our guidance. And together, we gave a kiss to Lucrezia on either cheek as we finished up cleaning and placing the cookies in the oven. Now all there was left to do was wait.

Bucciarati was the one to come down the hall and open the swinging doors of the kitchen with urgency. His hair perfectly framed his face but upon his brow was sweat that was very unusual for him. He must have run here.

"Don Giovanna, it is urgent that we speak." He said, straight to the point. His voice struck my ears and I was only sort of disappointed. It was bound to happen. It happened before, during, and now after our marriage and it would continue for as long as he was Don. But he turns to me asking for forgiveness with his eyes before leaning down to Lucrezia's height and explaining that he would be back soon and that he was sorry he couldn't stay to draw with her. Lucrezia gives an understanding nod and gives him a hug before he is off following Bucciarati.

I hold my head and sigh, feeling several emotions arise at once. I was mad that he left to deal with gang business and it was probably something he wouldn't tell me. I was sad that his presence was gone when I craved it so. Then I was angry again because my poor girl was going to be forced to be somebody like me. Forever waiting and forever in the dark, but most importantly, forever forgiving of things she shouldn't have to forgive.

"Mommy...can I have a hug?" Lucrezia asks, tugging on the bottom of the apron I adorned. I looked at her pleading face and allowed my heart to only break a little. My tragic child...

"Of course baby girl. Come here!" I say with a false smile. I pull her small body up and wrap my arms around her tight. She does the same and suddenly my emotions are wiped away. I could look on the bright side: I always had Lucrezia and she always had me. And even if he was a Don and a very busy man, we always had Giorno.

"Mommy. I don't like when your thad."

"I know baby... I don't like being sad either. But you're always there to make me feel happy so I'll be Okay bubba." I reassure her. I give her kisses all over her face and she giggles trying to get away.

A ding interrupts our playing and both of our ears perk.

"The cookieth are done!"


Imma be honest I didn't look this over before posting it lol I'm too busy

The boyfriends in town which gives me a week till I am in the Big Apple. I'm so nervous...

Fighting Gold {Giorno x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang