Not Today

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~(y/n)'s Playlist: This Love by Maroon 5~

Bruno Bucciarati was a man that was never late.

It almost worried me. I was so used to him being punctual, it didn't sit well with me that he had been two hours late. The first day of every month, Bruno would show up at my doorstep at exactly noon. With him would be an envelope filled with six months rent and a few words from Lucrezia's father. These words were usually a simple "I hope everything is fine" or a request for pictures of the five-year-old who was getting bigger every day. He was a messenger. He was the link between Giorno and I and even though he remained totally loyal to Giorno, he was still closer than a brother to me.

But not today. Bucciarati wasn't at my doorstep and it was already two in the afternoon.

I sat in my simple chair in the simple kitchen of my simple home. The only things on the wall were various pictures of Lucrezia, my sister and I all smiling. A single frame on the counter had a picture of Bruno and Lucrezia, dressed in their Sunday best and smiling brightly. My home was missing most of my past, and that was what made it simple. Simple but depressing.

I didn't have work today so I was only waiting for the light of my life to be released from school in an hour. My fingers attempted to quickly tap away the seconds as I sat in my boredom. But that didn't last long.

My phone rang and I picked it up eager to have someone to talk to. The silence had been eating away at me and I was still worried about Bruno. Could it be him?

"Hi is this Mrs.Giovanna?"

"It's Ms.(l/n) now."

"Oh! sorry about that Ms.(l/n)! I'm calling from Cosenza elementary to inform you that Lucrezia has been picked up early by a...Mr.Giovanna? It is a policy that we inform you of this so please voice any concerns about Lucrezia being picked up by her father."

"That's fine. Thank you for the call."

Even before the lady hung up my blood was boiling. I was having trouble keeping my cool after she called me Mrs.Giovanna but then she had to tell me that Giorno of all people was the one who picked her up. The school knew he was her father so of course they would let her go with him.

Now panic hit me tenfold. What the hell is he doing with my child? Giorno loved his daughter and he would never hurt her in any way, but he didn't tell me he was driving 3 hours from Naples to come to pick her up at school. Maybe he is trying to take her back...He wouldn't try to do that would he?

Is that why Bruno wasn't here yet?

I played with the ring on my finger in an attempt to calm down. Being panicked and angry wasn't exactly the best recipe for sound decision making. The ring was the one Giorno gave Lucrezia and I, I never wore my wedding ring after the divorce. It sat gathering dust in a high corner so I wouldn't ever have to see it and think of Giorno again. Though now I fear I would see him soon much to my displeasure.

I wasn't ready to face him yet...

I wasn't even ready to let him go...

I wasn't ready to admit that I still loved him, and seeing him would only make things worse. Giorno Giovanna was not one to dwell in the past.

I miss Lucrezia already...I hope she isn't gone long.

Suddenly, the ring on my finger began to shake and glow brilliant colors. It freaked me out t first but this must have been the real reason he gave it to me. Whatever the ring was about to do was essential to learning why it had stand powers emanating from it. The lights from the ring dulled down to one steady beam of light. The beam pointed toward the door so I stood from my chair and slowly edged my way towards the door.

Two loud knocks tore my attention from the ring to the door. I took off the ring and set it on the table before I answered the door.

There standing on my porch was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. It was too bad his name was Giorno Giovanna... My baby Lucrezia held his hand, her golden hair was a mess from playing around at recess. Her eyes were their usual big and blue, she was the spitting image of Giorno. Everyone around her knew she would be a beauty. Behind them stood Bruno and Mista.

I shot him the most hostile look I could without Lucrezia catching on, but she was such a smart girl with a strong affinity for the emotions of others around her.

"Mama don't be mad!" She shouted, raising her hands so I could bend my knees and envelope her in a big hug. I missed her. Lucrezia didn't know this but I was a big ball of emotions constantly rolling and lashing out at my surroundings. I could go from being angry to sad and then panicked in constant rotation. But Lucrezia was someone who could calm me with a simple hug and keep the emotions I struggled with at bay. If I wasn't so afraid of the idea, I would say that might have been her stand power manifesting. Nobody knew of this and nobody ever would.

"I'm sorry Lucrezia baby, Mama isn't mad anymore I promise," I said leaving a kiss on her cheek.

"Sorry to interrupt (y/n) but I need you and Lucrezia to gather your things and come with me. " spoke Giorno suddenly. I could feel anger creeping up my spine once again.

"Why don't you go upstairs with uncle Bruno while me and daddy talk? How's that Lucrezia?" She nods and Bruno walks up and past the threshold, picking up little Lucrezia and giving me a nod as a greeting. I force a smile as he walks past in silence knowing I was mad at him too. I made sure they were all the way upstairs before I turned to Giorno with flames of my wrath on my tongue.

"Just who the hell do you think you are Giorno? You and your guys can't just barge into our house uninvited like this!"

"I apologize but a something urgent came up. You are in danger and I need you to come with us now."

He moved past me and entered the small home he bought for us. He had never been inside before and I'm sure the walls bare of his face in the many pictures made him just as depressed as it made me.

"Still as rude as ever I see. " I comment as he looks around the house. He turns to look at me and tilts his head to the side.

"I don't believe I'm being rude for stepping into the house I bought to protect my family." He had a point... We stared at each other for 5 seconds before I spoke in my best demanding voice.

"Sit. " I say, motioning to the four blue chairs in the kitchen.


Hello and welcome to Fighting Gold! Here are some things to keep in mind because this will be one hell of a ride. After how innocent and PG my Jotaro fic was, I decided I wanted to get a bit deeper with the lives of the Bucci Gang and the projected reader. That being said, here are some warnings before we continue with the story.

This story will include:



Substance abuse 

Plenty of sexual themes

Maybe a smut scene or two 

Meme music being used unironically

Also, at the start of each chapter, I will put a song from a featured characters 'Playlist' so I hope you love my music taste lol. I'll mostly include songs that came out like before 2010 across all genre's (except country idk. maybe like my three favorite country songs lol). Fair warning that I listen to a lot of meme music or like cringy songs unironically so if you see songs like Africa by Toto on Giorno's playlist or Sk8tr boy on Abbaccio's don't @ me lol.

All the music is just headcanon also

One more thing, I noticed I have been having extreme trouble with spelling Italian names. Like I spelled Bruno's name four different ways throughout my drafts and it's painful to catch. If you see my mistakes please gently point it out to me.

Fighting Gold {Giorno x Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें