Bellamy's gaze shifts over to the radio where Abby's voice comes from, and unreadable expression on his face.

Clarke looks down at the Grounder and back up at Bellamy, "Look, this is not who we are."


"It is now." Bellamy turns and closes the Dropship doors, and the Grounder is lifted up again, but this time it's me standing in their way.

"Carter." Octavia says from beside me, watching me as I stare down at the unconscious man, the reason Finn is lying on that table. "Carter, you can stop this. Please, don't let him do this."

My jaw clenches as Bellamy moves into my line of sight, and I look up at him, "Third level is all yours. I'll be up soon."

Bellamy nods and I move back over to Finn, ignoring the other three girls as I do.

"Let's do this." I say to Clarke, who nods at me.

"Mom?" She says. "The blade is at a sharp upright angle, between the sixth and seventh ribs."

"Okay." Abby replies. "How deep?"

"Well, I can't tell how deep it goes." Clarke moves beside Finn, standing before the knife and opposite me.

"All right, just don't remove the knife yet."

I look up as Raven paces behind me, Clarke noticing too.

"Hey, here." She hands Raven a canister of moonshine, "Sterilise your hands."

Raven throws off her fingerless gloves and takes a large gulp of the liquid, surprising me, before pouring some over her hands. I follow suit, but avoid drinking it. My head feels bad enough, I don't need moonshine making it worse.

"Clarke, do you see any fluid?"

Clarke tries to crouch down, but the guys behind her make that impossible. "Dammit! Clear the room."

"Gladly." I say, standing and moving over to where everyone else mills around. "EVERYONE UPSTAIRS, NOW!" I yell, ushering them up the ladder.

"There's barely any room!" Someone calls down and my blood boils.

"I don't care! MOVE!"

Everyone does as I say, grumbling and cursing me as they do and I release a breathe of relieved frustration, walking back over to the others. It felt good to do some yelling.

"Fever sometimes accompanies trauma."

"Fever?" I repeat Abby's words, standing beside Raven.

"Clarke, I need you to tell me if there's any fluid leaking from the wound."

Clarke crouches down to look, and I chew on one of my fingernails anxiously as Raven wipes Finn's head.

"" Clarke says.

Abby sighs, "Pleural membrane's intact. That's good. That's actually really good."

Fearless (Bellamy Blake - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now