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Jens pov

I'm out with Leah. We're really spending much more time together. We went to this big popular food district where they sell lots of creative food all throughout this area. We have Veronica with us too and she's excited because there's a fun water fountain area. Better than last time. Me and Leah are sitting at an outside table while we watched Veronica play with some other little kids.

"Can I tell you something?" Leah says. "Yeah what's up?" I asked. She takes a few seconds to answer.

"Well..ugh okay. Clarissa and I had our first kiss. It was nice and whatever but she seemed like..I don't know it felt weird. It felt like she wasn't into me like that. It felt like she just wanted to have sex with me. Like she even started touching me right after our first kiss. I know it's weird telling you this but I have nobody else I can actually talk to about it."

"No it's okay. I told you about me and Veronica's dad" I giggled. "True.."

"Okay..but she seems like she really likes you. What do you know about her?"

"I tried not to think about it but she told me how she's had a lot of relationships previously and she's trying to better herself. I'm practically her first after the screwed up relationships in the past. I don't want to be her trial girl though. I like her a lot but she's making me feel..weird? And I remember what you told me how you don't think about people's past but sheesh. Hers is crazy. I don't even wanna talk about it" She says.

"Maybe she's just really attracted to you and has been waiting for that moment. I mean who wouldn't wanna be in bed with you?" I ask and smiled making her feel a little better. She smiles and rolls her eyes. "She's probably thinking you two are moving faster than you think you're supposed to. Just show her you need time! I did that with you and you were patient. If she really likes you, she'll wait. I kinda know your situation." I said.

"That's true"

"Just see how it goes. Talk to her if you need to. And if you need more help, I'm just a phone call away" I said.

"Thank you Jennifer" she says. "Of course! I gotta make sure everything goes well for you. I'm here for ya"

She smiles and since were sitting by each other she leans toward me and wraps her arms around me having her gorgeous scent flow in my nose as she hugs me tight. I lay my head on her head and rub her back softly.

"Even after what we've been through I feel like we're the right person to help each other through a lot of things. I'm really thankful to have you because I haven't had someone to tell such things like this to someone. I've always kept stuff like this to myself. It's hard for me especially since I have no family or whatever to spend time with and feel better. You on the other hand are with your family all the time but you always have time for your friends too so thank you" She says. I look at her and scrunch my nose then look away to see how Veronica was doing.

"Hey that's Alyssa and her mom!" I gasp and stood up. Leah notices who I meant because she knows her too from school. So we went up to them and said hi.

"What're you two doing here?" She asks me and Leah. "Just hanging out haha. How about you?"

"We had eaten at this Thai restaurant at the corner and now Alyssa spotted Veronica" She says.

"Aww!" I said. Then I squat down and waved at Alyssa. "Hi babe!" I said to her. She smiles and gives me a hug. Then she jumps as she sees Leah.

"Miss Leah!" She says happily and hugs her leg. "Hi Alyssa!" She giggles and rubs her head. I smiled. It's so cute seeing kids so in love with Leah. So sad that she doesn't want kids though. They love her.

"Can you believe they're graduating kinder soon?" Alyssa's mom says. "Right? Veronica's been so sad about it but Leahs been helping out with that haha"

"Aww poor baby. I know you and Veronica have a great bond so I can see why Veronica's sad"

"Yeah" I pout.

I lean closer to Leah without even realizing it but she's just standing there watching the girls.
"Can Alyssa stay and play?" Veronica politely asks Alyssa's mom. I chuckle a bit and look at Leah.

"She acts just like you whenever you get distracted" I said just to Leah. "Ha well I wonder why a little girl who's around me almost as much as she's around her mom acts just like me" Leah says with sarcasm. I laugh and playfully hit her.

"You're like her role model" I said. Leah smiles.

"We gotta go sadly but it's so nice seeing you guys! I'll see you at school!" Alyssa's mom says. "Oh okay then! See you!"

We say our goodbyes then Veronica watched them leave. Then she looked up at us both. "What?" I ask her. "I don't wanna go home yet" she says. I look at Leah. "Well I have nowhere to be. Clarissa is with her family. She hasn't texted me all day but I did check on her."

"Hmm. And her dad is busy right now with family too."

"Perfect! Then let's hang out more the rest of this day" I said. "Haha Okay"

This kind of happy is a rare happy for me. It feels weird but a good weird. I don't know. I love spending time with Leah.

Then suns going down. The clouds are partly covering the sky but sheesh it looks gorgeous right now. The perfect view. The clouds are pink and it's slowly getting dark out.

"Bubs stay right there" I said to my daughter. I held up my camera and took a cute picture of her with the pretty background of the sky. Then she runs up to us just because.

"That's so pretty" Leah says. "Right? The sky just looks so gorgeous" I said. "Yeah.." she says softly. I look at her for a second then looked away.

"Well since it's getting dark now I think we should get going. I have to make dinner some family is coming over" I said. "Oh- Okay we can go" she says. I sense the fakeness though.

"Do you have plans tonight?" I ask. "Nah. I'll just watch some TV and order food haha" she says.

"Come for dinner! My mom would love to see you anyways. You know that" I said. She presses her lips and smiling as she moves side to side nervously. "It's not weird that I'm coming and your family will be there?"

"Come on. Just come. Stop thinking about the negative" I said and just automatically held her hand as we began to walk because I was kind of forcing g her to come. But I played it off really slickly and held Veronica's hand instead. Then Veronica held Leahs hand too as she's in between us.

We later got home. My mom and some of my cousins with their kids and some husbands were already there. I introduced Leah to some of them that she doesn't even know. But she easily gets along with everyone. They find her funny.

Later tonight as the night went on, Leah finally got to see more of me with my family. I think my life is fun when I'm with them. She knows now how silly I am with them too but I made sure she didn't feel alone. So did my mom since she's her favorite person. My mom still think me and her were meant to be. Even though we're just friends now.

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