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Leahs pov

Shit. I really fucked up. Again. I must've accidentally gave a woman I met last night Jennifer's number instead of mine. I've had Jens number memorized since we were together. I was drunk last night. That's not my fault I messed up. But I feel horrible. I feel like I'm fucking up too much. Jens been doing a lot for me. I've been doing stuff for her. But we're not together. If it wasn't for Veronica, we wouldn't even be in each other's lives by now.

"Jen please listen. I'm soo sorry. I didn't realize I gave her your number. I've had it memorized and I was drunk so it must've been the first number that came to mind." I said to her through the phone. I can hear the background noise since she's still at her family party.

"I get you don't want to be with me but don't rub it in my face"

"I'm not! I swear I'm not. I'm not trying to prove anything. Seriously. I want to move on from you but in a peaceful way. I hate that we've been arguing. I just wanna be friends. That's all" I said

She didn't respond but she's still on the phone. I even had to pull away from the phone and check to make sure she was still on. I hear her sigh.

"I'll talk to you later" she says in a softer, sadder voice. Then she hangs up.

The next day
Jens pov

Today Vanessa is continuing to help me with the whole process of finding out where in the world Veronica's mom is. It's helping me forget all about Leah and her stupidity. We went to the adoption center and continued filling out papers and getting certain documents. Lots of trips are involved with this but we had Veronica stay with my mom whose finally back in town so that Veronica would be so curious and feel weird that we're looking for her actual mom.

"So we'll be able to contact this number who were hoping leads to her. The government had her linked onto Veronica's legal documents since she couldn't just leave her child without any information like for her ethnicity and history." The worker says.

"So when can we find out?"

"Minimum of two weeks. Most likely before the end of this month."

"Wow...Okay then" I said feeling relieved. I expected it to be longer. I mean two weeks is long but I expected months.

After figuring that all out, I dropped off Vanessa back at her house. So I'm pretty much free and alone today since my daughter is still with my mom.

I drove through the city and ended up at the beach area. I went into a parking garage that's connected to a bunch of restaurants and stores and just sat in my car while scrolling through my phone.

"You never called me yesterday" Leah texts me. "Ugh" I groan to myself then called her. Well actually FaceTimed. That's a first in a while.

"Oh okay. I guess we can talk face to face" she says. I hold my phone in front of my steering wheel, sat back a bit and leaned my elbow on the center compartment while leaning my head on my hand.

"Listen. I'm so sorry."

"Whatever. I'm over it. Honestly I just want you happy so if you're ready to go find someone for yourself go ahead.." I said with a hint of a sad tone.

"That's not what I tried doing. She approached me last night" she says. "That you remember?" I scoffed.

It remained quiet. I looked away from my phone played with my hair.

"I really don't want anything bad between us Jennifer. You're the sweetest person I've ever met. I'd really hate to loose you"

"You broke up with me. So what do you mean?" I ask.

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