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Leahs pov

Weeks go by, I pretty much have the same routine most of the time. I go to Jens house or it's the other way around during the week since I watch Veronica while she's at work. But I never get tired of the routine. I probably sleep over there half as much as I stay at my own place now. She loves it, I love it. And so does Veronica. I just wish we lived closer. We've been spending quite a bit of extra money on gas.

Tonight Jen's spending the night at my place since Veronica's with her cousins for a sleepover. We just finished dinner and showering, so now me and her are in the process of doing face masks that we bought today.

"It's already drying up" jen says as we're both standing in front of my mirror in the room. "I know. I could barely move my face" I giggle. We left it on for a few minutes till it fully dried. Our plan was to peel it off of each other's face.

"Okay you first" She says. "You want me to peel yours off first? Or you peel mine off first?" I ask so it could be more clear. "I'll take yours off first" she says. She sits in bed facing me and starts picking the sides of the mask so she can gently peel it off. I was just looking at her face because where else am I supposed to look? She just started to bite the bottom of her lip. I kept feeling her pick the sides. She's obviously struggling to get a big piece so she can just peel the whole mask out.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you" she giggles. I didn't respond and let her continue. Then she finally peels off a big piece, but she did yank it.

"Wow" I said. "I'm sorry" she laughs. Then she attempts to get the second half of the mask off since it ripped.

"aaand.....viola!" She says after she takes the last piece off. "Whew" I sighed. "Your skin is gorgeous babe." She says and her eyes trace over my whole face.

"Okay your turn!" I said excitedly. "I'm scared haha" "you'll be fiiiine" I said. I started peeling hers off slowly. I could feel her reacting to it though because her hand was on my leg.

"Does it not feel good?" I ask her. "It does but it also hurts because it's so tight on the skin" she says. I just continued till I took it all off.

"Flawless" I said. She gets up and walks to the mirror and looks at herself. I did the same for a second. But then I looked at her.

"You're so gorgeous" I tell her. She smiles a bit but kept touching her face. I wrapped my arm around her neck and kissed her cheek. "Thanks baby" she giggles.

"Now we're both glowing" I said. "We are. I'm proud of us" she said.

I looked at her through the mirror and randomly decided to mess her hair up since it was in such a high bun, it was an easy target.

"Lee!" She says and pushes me off but kind of laughs. I come back close to her but she pushes me away again. I shake my head and threw a Bobby pin at her that I found on the dresser. After she finished tying her hair back up, she throws the same bobby pin back at me. I raised my brows and bent down to pick it up off of the carpet but she comes at me and grabs my hands to attempt to stop me. I fought back of course but in a nice gentle way.

She started to laugh as we pretty much wrestled each other on the floor.

"Get off!" I laughed out. I started to tickle her sides and she screams out loud and jumps off of me and jumps onto the bed. I climbed onto the bed too and continued to tickle her. She squeals and laughs as she kicks her feet in the air.

"Leah!" She laughs. I gave her a moment to breathe. Maybe just 3 seconds. But then she comes at me instead and we continued to wrestle. It's just all fun and games and you can easily tell it was just for fun. This continued for a few minutes..until it got aggressive. We were back standing on the carpet. I was pulling her hair, she slapped my ass hard so she can try to escape. I quickly pulled her down with me onto the bed. We just kept laughing though.

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