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Jens POV

"No. There's just no way a coincidence could be this connected Vanessa!" I raise my voice to her as she's driving me this time. "Jennifer I-" "how come I didn't realize any of this?! Ms. Leah is what the kids call her so I never really heard of her last name! I never even knew Remini was Veronica's last name!" I said. Vanessa doesn't answer and let's me keep going off. I'm realizing how dumb and blind I was not knowing Leah was her teacher and mom.

"Why..why?? Is this even real or does someone just look exactly like Leah and have her name?" I ask.

"Her username on Instagram doesn't even have her last name. Her last name is barely passed around" Vanessa says.

"Vanessa there's no way my ex is my daughters mom" I whined. "Well...the school she teaches at is the exact same school. I'm sure there isn't two leah remini's there."

"Ugh.......i don't think she knows Veronica is hers.. but that must be why they both have grown such a strong bond. They're fucking blood related!" I said.

"That makes sense" Vanessa says.

I groan and lay my head back while looking out the window as she keeps driving.

"And she wants to see me tonight" I complained more.

"Don't Jen.. you know she just wants to fuck"

"As if I don't want to either?" I said. She looks at me and I roll my eyes. "Vanessa she's really my daughters mom..like how can that be such a coincidence? Meeting her at a club, finding out she's my daughters teacher and then now finding out she's the mother?? If this isn't meant to be then what is?"

"You think it's meant to be?" She asks.

"I mean..."

"It could be. But I don't think you should talk to her today about it. Let it sink in and figure out how to handle it because this is big. She hid this from you for a long time"

"But I hid Veronica from her for a long time.."

"Just don't randomly attack her with you knowing she's the mom and the fact that she left Veronica in front of the door all alone at night with no note or anything"

I took a deep breath after she said that. I forgot that even happened. Leah left Veronica alone like that as a baby..

"Wait..that means..no..what the fuck" I said. "What?" "That means..I fucked Leahs ex?"

Vanessa looks at me and widens her eyes. I groan again and covered my face. "It's okay you didn't know" she says. "Yeah but he almost got me pregnant! You know how even more messed up that would have been? Oh my gosh I'm never speaking to him again." I said.

We arrived back to my moms house.

"Now you have to keep it together since Veronica's in there. Don't act like how you are right now" she tells me. "I know I know." I said.

We get out of the car and went into my moms house. Veronica was eating and watching TV.

"Hi mom" I said and gave her a hug. But the way I hugged her, she knew something was up.

"What happened? Did you find out who...?"

"Mhm" I mumbled as I'm still hugging her. She pushes me off softly and looks at me. "You're shaking" she tells me. I pout and look back to see if Vanessa was distracting Veronica, which she was.

"You won't believe this..but I swear I'm not joking.." I say. My mom just continues to listen. "but...it's Leah" I tell her. She gets a slight bit confused. "Leah Remini..that's her last name right? My ex girlfriend?"

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