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Leahs pov

I wake up..biggest headache ever. But I'm in my bed, still in my outfit but Jennifer's here too. She's awake scrolling through her phone.

"How do you feel?" She asks. "Ugh" I groan. She smiles and puts her phone down and placed her hand on my face. "You were crossed last night at one point. Then incredibly drunk." She tells me. "Fuuuck" I groaned more. "I had to take you home because I didn't wanna see things get worst. But you seemed to have so much fun so I let you do you for a bit. Then I took you here. Your makeups already off too" she says to me. "Really?" I ask and touch my face and realize that she was right.

"you're the best" I pout. She smiles and kisses my forehead. "Now shower because last night was all over the place" she giggles. "Fine" I said. "I'll make you breakfast while you shower." She says. This woman makes me so damn happy. I've never felt or experienced love like this.

So I went to go shower in my bathroom. I took a very warm shower. But while showering, I started thinking a lot. I really never got to get this drunk ever since before I had Veronica. Like when I was with her baby daddy acting like a careless teen. I've fully grown into a responsible woman and I'm so thankful for that. I really went through a lot back then and I just feel so lucky that Jen has accepted me for who I am and what I did back then. That truly shows that she loves me and wants this to work out. Sometimes I still think that I don't deserve someone as perfect as her but I can't imagine her with someone else, getting everything I get from her. I've never imagined a relationship was this enjoyable. I never knew the inside depths of it..so all of this is just amazing. I feel lucky.

After my shower, I put on gray leggings and a baby pink oversized tshirt. Then I went to the kitchen. She had food prepared and all laid out on the dining table.

"Wow.." I said. "I tried making the best comfort food" Jen says as I walked over to her. I just gave her a loving hug. She puts her phone down and focuses more on me, turning her whole body to face me and hugged me back. "You okay?" She asks me. I look at her and smiled softly. "Did you... cry?" She asks me. Then I looked away but didn't respond. She notices everything..

"What's wrong?" She asks. "I'm...im just thankful for this..you..Veronica..everything." I said. " I feel the exact same way" she tells me. I sighed and tried to let go but she holds me still. So I just relaxed my body and held her again.

"But when you cry..I wanna know exactly why. My girl doesn't start off the day crying." She tells me. "I don't know.. I was just thinking. You know how you have thoughts in the shower? That was it. I just... haven't been this happy in my life before.... Before I had Veronica I was dealing with her dad, Richard. We were typical teenagers who wanted to have fun, go out whenever and do bad things. I never got to the worst point. It was just a lot of crazy things. Then getting pregnant changed everything in my life. I feel like everything took the quickest turn the second I got pregnant. I wanted to get my life together cause you know...I wanted to become a teacher... but pregnancy slowed down my goals. I tried not letting that get in the way but it did because I had no support... so..just having her back in my life with someone else who completely supports me and does the most really makes me happy. Like..without having the little one in my class.. I wouldn't be as motivated to keep teaching but she was the joy everyday when school would go on. And meeting you was just the missing piece to complete my dream." I said. At this point Jen was holding my hand instead and looking me in the eyes while they got teary. Now she's the one emotional.

"Leah..I love you. I'm so glad I'm able to make you happy because that's what I want to see. I'm lucky to be with someone like you. Yeah, I thought you were hot when I first met you but who knew I'd be here with you? I just know we were meant to be. It's more than just attraction of how you look but of who you are. I've been through some crazy relationships but nothing that had made me feel so comfortable like our relationship and all I hope in life is that we last a long time. I love you too much to even think about losing you." She says. I melted.

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