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After picking up Veronica from another day of school, I took her with me to the grocery store.

"Okay babe, I'm buying your lunches for school right now so pick some snacks that you want added in your lunch bag" I tell her as I pick out her lunches.

"Mama I wanna get these cookies so I can share with Miss Leah. She eats the same ones we always get!"

"Yeah? Go get them then" I tell her. She gets happy and grabs four packages of them. I start to laugh and places my hands on my hips. "Okay not that much. Just get two packages. We'll get more when you run out" I said. "Okay" she says and puts two of them back.

I get my phone out and take a picture of the cookies and sent it to Leah saying "Ver was thinking of you"

"She's the sweetest!!❤️"

I didn't reply but I did smile. Then I just continued to shop for food.

After shopping we went home. I unloaded all the groceries and cleaned up the kitchen while Veronica did her homework. I also started up dinner a couple hours after. Vanessa's coming over for an hour just to hang out so she's joining us for dinner too.

Once she got here I called Ver down for dinner.

"Auntie Nessa!" She gasps and runs up to Vanessa. "Hi my gorgeous little baby" she says and hugs her tight. I laugh and placed out plates on the table next to where all the food was ready.

We all sat at the table and started to eat.

"How's things going with Leah?" Vanessa asks me since we barely have time to catch up this week.

"Miss Leah and I are sharing snacks at school" Veronica says in a sassy way.

"Okay babe she was talking to me, Miss wanna share snacks with your favorite teacher." I tease her. She gives me this cute laugh. "Go eat your food" I tell her. So she listens and eats while me and Vanessa continue to have our own conversation.

"How was the club?" She asks me.

"It was fun. That was almost a whole week ago but she didn't drink which bothered me because she'd never drink whenever we went out as a couple. She wanted me to be safe and now she's doing it again. Because I know she likes to get wild time to time." I said.

"She knows you have a kid who she also loves. She wants everything to be fine.."

"Aww" I hummed. I smile a bit and scrunch my nose while looking down and playing with my food.

"I don't wanna fall for her again" I said softly. "Are you?" She asks. "I mean..if I had the chance to..I'd act on it but I won't."

"Just because of her issue with having a kid?" She asks.

"Yeah but I mean she loves Ver! She's being so friendly with me but I can't just be her friend. I'm so damn attracted to her.."

"That's no good"

"I knooow" I groan. "She had us still as her wallpaper on her phone and it made my heart flutter a bit. But I made her change it"

"She still cares about you I bet. She just wants to care about you in a friendly way. She wants you to be in her life still even though it can't be the way you want it to be." She says.

"Well I don't mind us hanging out a lot. It's fun"

"Just don't get your feelings hurt.. Again"

"I know" I said.

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