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Leahs pov

We're back home. It's been a few days since we've been home but I already have to be back at school today. Veronica starts next week. But now we need someone to watch her while Jen and I we're both working. So of course Jen asked her mom. Vanessa could only watch her on fridays now because of her job too.

So the day just went by normally. Pretty fast since it's been a while since I've been at work. Then during Jennifer's lunch, since I get out early the whole week, I had lunch with her.

I met up with her downstairs at the cafeteria but at the patio area.

"Thanks for buying lunch" She tells me as I open the bag. "Of course! How's your day going so far?" I ask her. "Good! Fast. I don't have too much to do today but it's going by smoothly since I haven't been here in a week. The pace I love" she said.

"Well that's good! You don't need to much pressure after a vacation"

"Exactly. How was your day at school? Any new changes?" She asked. "There's some new teachers and a few adjustments but nothing major. So I guess everything's fine."

"Have you met the new teachers?"

"Yeah they're nice. There's one that loves joking around. He's pretty funny for an old guy."

"Older teachers do have humor" Jen says and giggles. "Yeah hahaha"

"Ver doesn't have a new teacher right? It's the same first grade teacher?"

"Yup. No change in that"

"Cool. Hopefully I get close with her" she says. "Not too close. That's how I ended up in between your legs multiple times."

"Shut up!" She giggles.

We ate lunch pretty fast, then used our spare time just talking and talking to each other. I loved it. Just time for each other. Then it was coming to an end. We both stood up and threw our trash. Then I walked her to the elevator.

"See you..." she pauses and let's me continue. "I can't sleep over tonight but I'll call you before you and Ver sleep. I gotta be up early all week." I said. "Aw okaaaay" she pouts. "I love you though" I said and reached for her hand. "I love you" she responds and gives me a kiss. "Text me when you're home" she says. "Of course" I smile. She gives me a hug. Pretty tight actually. "Love you babe" I muttered in the hug.  "Love youuuu" she mutters back. Then we pulled away. I pressed the elevator button for her and made sure to wait till she got in.


School is back, I have new students and me being the coolest teacher, I had a present for each one of my students. Cause of course, every first day I get kids crying because they don't want their parents to leave. I'm used to it. But I have my ways to calm the down with snacks and candies. No I'm not gonna completely spoil them with junk. This is just for the first day.

Then as they day went by, it was lunch time. I walked out of my classroom so I could go to the faculty lounge and warm up some food. As I came back, I heard kids yelling. I looked but assumed it was just playing around. But I heard someone start to cry. As an adult I have to break apart whatever argument was going on. But I noticed it was Veronica yelling at another kid. She pouts and crosses her arm.

"You're not allowed to play with us" I hear the kid say..pretty much being rude to Ver. Then she starts sniffling..then crying out loud. I smacked my lips and walked over to them. Veronica immediately runs up to me while crying loud. She wraps her arms around my leg.

"You two should know that you have to share. That's not even your toys, it belongs to the school for everyone to play with.." I said and kept disciplining them. Basically they got in trouble and got consequences. I'm not just gonna let some little kids who made my little one cry, slide with it. Mess with someone I love, you're messing with me too.

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