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Jens pov

Our vacation so far has been the most fun I've experienced in a while. I do a lot of fun things with my cousins and the rest of the family but I think it just feels right since I'm with Leah and my daughter. We're enjoying our time together.

Right now we're at the pool area. We've been here for a while now. It's such a nice day to be swimming. We have Veronica inside of a tube floaty while Leah was gently pushing her around the lazy river. I didn't really talk. I just enjoyed the moments, but Leah and Ver kept laughing to each other while splashing water at each other.

"Mommy there's a big floaty for you and Lee Lee" she says. I turn around and see one floating towards me. She only told me this because she heard me telling Leah earlier that I wanted one too but there was only one for Veronica.

Leah grabs the free floaty and puts it over my head so I could fit through the hole. But it was so big that two people could fit inside. I had positioned my body so that my arms were over the floaty so I could hold onto Veronicas floaty and I was somewhat laying on my stomach. But my ass was out. And guess who couldn't stop looking?

She pushed the floaty up off the water so she could join me inside of it by going under it, but I started screaming a bit because this girl was about to flip me over in the water on accident.

"Babe!" I said. She puts the floaty back down to touch the water as she's in the hole with me floating behind me. Leah laughs and wraps her arms around my waist from behind and lays her head on my lower back and ass. I groan and roll my eyes. Veronica wasn't really paying attention to that though. She was just enjoying the fun.

After the pool, we stopped by this ice cream bar and got some ice cream.

"What times the dinner at?" I ask Leah. "7 pm. We can shower once we get back to our rooms and just chill for a bit. Then we can get ready"

"Did you see the dress I picked for Ver? It's the cutest thing ever" I said happily and ate my ice cream. "I haven't actually but now I'm excited to see" she says. "And then I have an idea of how to put her hair. Ugh you don't know how much I love getting her ready for things" I giggle. "Oh I could tell" she says. I scrunch my nose and lean into her, kissed her cheek for a second. Then I looked down to check on Veronica. But she wasn't there. So I quickly turned the other way to see if she was nearby but she wasnt.

"Um..where'd she go?" I ask. Leah notices too and we kept turning different ways. Then we both quickly noticed.. she was with the Stitch character who was walking around and greeting many people.

We then walked over there. "Hey you...are you gonna introduce us to your new friend?" Leah asks Veronica. "Oh yeah! Stitch this is my mommy and this is my other mommy for pretend" she says. I did a facepalm and Leah laughed and shook her head. We ended up getting a little group picture with stitch before leaving back to our room.

We're gonna find this 'pretend mommy' thing funny for only a little bit. But at some point I'm gonna be over the word pretend because leahs her biological mom. It's also disrespectful to Leah but if I bring it up to Leah she'll just bring herself back down about how it's all her fault so she thinks it shouldn't matter but..I really care and my goal is that Veronica sees her as another mom. That it just grows into her. I want Leah happy and I know things aren't perfect but one can imagine.


Leahs POV

"Mommy said she wants to cut her hair" Veronica says to me, continuing from some random conversation we were having at the table for dinner.

"Yes and I told her she'd look beautiful with it any length" I tell Veronica. Then I looked up at Jen across the table. She smiles and shakes her head and just stares at us both while picking at her food. You could tell she's in love. I'm glad we're having this little vacation. I don't know how to describe it but I see a different perspective of her. In a good way. How she is when she's not at home. As in this vacation we're on. One day I do plan on taking us on a vacation, just us two. I love Veronica with us but I wanna spend some quality time with Jennifer too.

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